Ajax.Updater dropping first <OPTION> on IE?

I am attempting to use Ajax.Updater to update the innerHTML of a SELECT

that is, to feed it a list of … sets generated from a

It works as expected on FF1.5, but in IE6 it renders as an empty select.
When I use the DOM viewer (or an alert()) to dump the value of
innerHTML, it
appears intact EXCEPT that the first is missing with no

I’ve tried an increasingly ridiculous set of things to fool IE into
rendering properly, including … on the first
partial iteration… nothing. Frankly, it’s a little Twilight Zone.

Is this just old news? Do I have to resort to using
document.createElement(‘OPTION’) here?


Of course, the “a-ha!” came moments after posting…


“You cannot modify the InnerHTML of a select drop-down list. Instead,
have to modify the InnerHTML of the div that contains the select
list, and when you do you have to recreate the whole drop-down.”

Who hates IE? I do - more each day, actually.

----- Original Message -----
From: “Pete F.” [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:48 AM
Subject: [Rails] Ajax.Updater dropping first on IE?