These objects aren't equal..I'm confused

I’m testing to see if two objects are equal. One is accessed directly
from the fixture, and the other is accessed through a relationship.
Here’s the test:

def test_hero
assert_equal players(:hero), hands(:first).hero

Anyway, the values are exactly the same as far as I can tell. The
only difference is the object id, but Ruby compares the values, right?
This just stopped working when I added another db field to the Hand
class, but that shouldn’t affect this I’d think…any ideas?

  1. Failure:
    test_hero(HandTest) [test/unit/hand_test.rb:34]:
    “chips”=>2500}>> expected but was

On 3/21/06, Tom M. [email protected] wrote:

Just test the, which will tell you what you want to know.

Are you sure that’s appropriate for a test case? I personally want
more checking than that.

– James

Just test the, which will tell you what you want to know.

I just checked AWDR, and it appears they always use attributes with
assert equal.

– Tom M.