Using Ruby to read outlook message stores

Does anyone know of a way to use Ruby to look at Outlook email stores?

I’ve google’d for this and found no useful links.


Keith S. wrote:

Does anyone know of a way to use Ruby to look at Outlook email stores?

I’ve google’d for this and found no useful links.

I’ve written a few scripts that connect to the CDO Exchange message
store using win32ole talking to Microsoft Outlook. If you read through
some basic MSDN docs on the CDO API then you just wrap these in Ruby
win32ole calls. If you want I can post a sampling here. It might be a
little lengthy. It deals with Outlook Contacts…

Below is an URL to one thread I posted to awhile back regarding this
subject. It contains some specifics that might be useful. I used such a
setup to have a host PC serving up CDO contact data via XMLRPC calls to
various non-Microsoft clients, such as wifi ARM Linux PDA’s. That way
various non-Outlook clients could still access message stores.

Keith S. wrote:

Does anyone know of a way to use Ruby to look at Outlook email stores?

This may help:

James B.

“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally
for machines to execute.”

  • H. Abelson and G. Sussman
    (in "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)