Quickest way to do this string op

What’s the quickest way to turn “BOCA RATON” into “Boca Raton”?

[email protected] wrote:

What’s the quickest way to turn “BOCA RATON” into “Boca Raton”?

“BOCA RATON”.replace “Boca Raton” # :stuck_out_tongue:


“BOCA RATON”.split(/\b/).map{|s| s.capitalize }.join

It is quick to write, at least…


[email protected] writes:

What’s the quickest way to turn “BOCA RATON” into “Boca Raton”?

irb(main):006:0> str = “BOCA RATON”
irb(main):009:0> str.gsub!(/\w+/) { |s| s.capitalize }
=> “Boca Raton”
irb(main):010:0> str
=> “Boca Raton”

Hope this helps. But I’m not sure if that’s the fastest way in meaning
of speed. At least it’s the solution which crossed my mind first. :wink:


I’m also new, but this might be another solution:

“BOCA RATON”.split(’ ‘).collect do |name| name.capitalize end.join(’ ')

It’s not the quickest way though…