What's mean? global variables

in test.rb
class Test
def greeting
“hello world!”

def test
$test ||= Test.new

and somewhere

puts test.greeting

what is mean of(outside of the class define)

def test
$test ||= Test.new

and where can find any document?


On 2/23/06, BlueFox [email protected] wrote:

what is mean of(outside of the class define)

def test
$test ||= Test.new

The keyword def, as you already know, begins a method definition. When
the method definition occurs outside the scope of any class, the
current ‘self’ is the ‘main’ object. Defining a method on ‘main’
through some black magic, actually creates the method as an instance
method of Object. As such, the method is available to all instances of
Object – that is, everything. This way, the method can be called
without a receiver in any context and generally have the same behavior
(modulo instance variables, but if you’re using instance variables in
top-level methods/procedures, you’re asking for trouble). This makes
the method, in effect, a procedure.

$test is a global variable. Thats important in this case for scope –
$test continues to exist and retain its value between invocations of
test. The ||= idiom is one commonly found in ruby. It’s similar to +=
in that it is simply short hand for “$test = $test || Test.new”. $test
starts with a value of nil, and the first time test is run (unless you
manually set $test beforehand), $test is initialized to a new instance
of Test, since “(nil || anything) == anything”. On subsequent runs,
$test retains its value. From this behavior, ||= can be thought of as
a “default initializer” operator.

Does that answer your questions?

Jacob F.

Jacob F. wrote:

$test is a global variable. Thats important in this case for scope –
$test continues to exist and retain its value between invocations of
test. The ||= idiom is one commonly found in ruby. It’s similar to +=
in that it is simply short hand for “$test = $test || Test.new”. $test
starts with a value of nil, and the first time test is run (unless you
manually set $test beforehand), $test is initialized to a new instance
of Test, since “(nil || anything) == anything”. On subsequent runs,
$test retains its value. From this behavior, ||= can be thought of as
a “default initializer” operator.


So is this a shortcut for creating a singleton in Ruby? Albeit a
slightly different one I would guess, using a global variable to store a
single instance rather than using a class method to instantiate a new or
return the existing instance.


Oh! the test function just an another way to access the global variable

yesterday i forgot that we can define a fuction outside classes(unlike
java) and function’s return value is the last statement’s return value?

Thanks very much.
