Gem/rdoc/ri errors on mingw

yesterday I switched from the very good, perfectly functional
one-click installer to a build-it-yourself-ruby-compile on winXP
with the mingw environment.

All went very smoothly.
Great documents on setting up mingw/msys here

and Great documents on building ruby on windows here

Follow this up, by getting ruby-gnome2 setup with this wonderful doc

Mingw works! Ruby works! Ruby-Gnome works!

…rdoc doesnt work… ri doesnt work… gem doesnt either… big uhohs!!

Here is some output:

$> ruby -v
ruby 1.8.4 (2006-02-14) [i386-mingw32]
$>cd /c/ruby/build/ruby
$> make install-doc
Generating RDoc documentation
./miniruby.exe ./runruby.rb --extout=.ext – “./bin/rdoc” --all --ri
–op “C:/ruby/share/ri/1.8/system” “.”
c:/ruby/build/ruby/lib/tracer.rb:27:in (null)': undefined method []’
for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from c:/ruby/build/ruby/lib/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb:16:in
(null)' from c:/ruby/build/ruby/lib/rdoc/rdoc.rb:8:in (null)’
from ./bin/rdoc:59
make: *** [do-install-doc] Error 1
$> gem
sh: gem: command not found
$> rdoc
c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/tracer.rb:27:in (null)': undefined method []’
for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/rdoc/parsers/parse_rb.rb:16:in
(null)' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/rdoc/rdoc.rb:8:in (null)’
from c:/ruby/bin/rdoc:59
$> ri

Installing Documentation

‘ri’ uses a database of documentation built by the RDoc utility.

So, how do you install this documentation on your system? It depends on
how you installed Ruby.

If you installed Ruby from source files (that is, if it some point you
typed ‘make’ during the process :), you can install the RDoc
documentation yourself. Just go back to the place where you have your
Ruby source and type

make install-doc

You’ll probably need to do this as a superuser, as the documentation is
installed in the Ruby target tree (normally somewhere under

If you installed Ruby from a binary distribution (perhaps using a
one-click installer, or using some other packaging system), then the
team that produced the package probably forgot to package the
documentation as well. Contact them, and see if they can add it to the
next release.

No ri documentation found in:

Was rdoc run to create documentation?

Anyone know how to properly setup a ruby compile so that gem/ri/rdoc
will work as expected? Anyone have a clue why ‘make install-doc’ fails?

Thanks for any help.

Alex C. schrieb:

$> gem
sh: gem: command not found

This is what I call (ruby one-click-installer on Windows):

  1. In my path there is an entry for c:\ruby\bin

  2. In my ruby\bin directory, there is a file called gem.bat (this one is
    started by windows if you type gem)

  3. This gem file contains one beautiful line
    “c:\ruby\bin\ruby.exe” “c:\ruby\bin\gem” %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

So my guess is, make sure you have the gem ruby file installed (get it
from rubyforge? I doesn’t exactly know where to download gem as I use
the one-click-stuff) and create this batch file.


Alex C. wrote:

Anyone know how to properly setup a ruby compile so that gem/ri/rdoc
will work as expected? Anyone have a clue why ‘make install-doc’ fails?

Thanks for any help. should help with RubyGems.

On 2/14/06, Daniel Völkerts [email protected] wrote:

  1. This gem file contains one beautiful line
    “c:\ruby\bin\ruby.exe” “c:\ruby\bin\gem” %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

So my guess is, make sure you have the gem ruby file installed (get it
from rubyforge? I doesn’t exactly know where to download gem as I use
the one-click-stuff) and create this batch file.

Thank Daniel,
Yeah I was using the one-click installer which was
really nice, but I figured it would be good to have ruby
built from scratch however it seems there are some hidden gotchas.

I’ll post back if I figure out why make-doc isnt working.

On 2/15/06, Jim W. [email protected] wrote: should help with RubyGems.

Thanks Jim, installed gem from ruby forge. Boy, that was easy.

Any clues about rdoc and ri?
Still no worky.

I wonder if documentation is really nessisary though? Sure its nice, but
is there any difference between having it local and viewing it on
ruby-doc ?

I guess the difference would be if I ever needed to write my own

David V. wrote:

DÅ?a Streda 15 Február 2006 17:53 Alex C. napísal:

I wonder if documentation is really nessisary though? Sure its nice, but
is there any difference between having it local and viewing it on ruby-doc

Well, the online version is faster than ri :wink:

So that’s why my bandwidth is going through the roof.


But at least a working rdoc is somewhat important, I’d say.

I would think so, unless you have a guaranteed Net connection.

James B.

“You harmonize; then you customize.”

  • Wilson Pickett

DÅ?a Streda 15 Február 2006 23:14 James B. napísal:

David V. wrote:

DÃ?Ë?a Streda 15 FebruÃ?¡r 2006 17:53 Alex C. napÃ?­sal:

I wonder if documentation is really nessisary though? Sure its nice, but
is there any difference between having it local and viewing it on
ruby-doc ?

Well, the online version is faster than ri :wink:

So that’s why my bandwidth is going through the roof.

Well, I have a crappy CPU, and a wonderful cable connection.

david@chello082119107152:~$ time ri -T Array#[]
real 0m0.876s
user 0m0.589s
sys 0m0.108s

david@chello082119107152:~$ ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=53 time=152 ms

And unless you set that wossname header to no-cache globally, the strain
be that horrible. At least not from us Opera users.


But at least a working rdoc is somewhat important, I’d say.

I would think so, unless you have a guaranteed Net connection.

I meant for documentation generation actually.

David V.

DÅ?a Streda 15 Február 2006 17:53 Alex C. napísal:

I wonder if documentation is really nessisary though? Sure its nice, but
is there any difference between having it local and viewing it on ruby-doc

Well, the online version is faster than ri :wink:

But at least a working rdoc is somewhat important, I’d say.

David V.