

I’m trying to do auto login and mail checker script to check my webmail
account So I used post_form method
for logging.

res = Net::HTTP.post_form
{ “mode” => “login”, “username”=>“user”,
“password”=>“pwd”, “secure” => “0” }

This call succeeds and res is HTTPFound, so I tried to download
redirected page, but the server immediatelly logouts me. I think that
problem is in cookies, becuase they are required by the server.
Should I start some session prior to posting a form?

Thanks a lot,

DÅ?a Utorok 14 Február 2006 13:33 Fox napísal:

This call succeeds and res is HTTPFound, so I tried to download
redirected page, but the server immediatelly logouts me. I think that
problem is in cookies, becuase they are required by the server.
Should I start some session prior to posting a form?

Thanks a lot,

Sessions are mostly stored server-side, so you need to re-send the
cookies the
server gives you back with each subsequent request.

Personally, I’d just use a Real Mail Account that lets you use POP.

David V.