Installing ruby-oci8 on Mac OS X for Rails

I am trying to get Rails to work with an Oracle database running
remotely. Rails will run on Mac OS X. I’m trying to follow the
directions at
Koalan & Surikaten,
but I get stuck at step 8 (test connection to database). When I try go
on and install the ruby-oci8 bindings, I get this output when trying to

—> lib
—> lib/DBD
—> lib/DBD/OCI8
<— lib/DBD/OCI8
<— lib/DBD
<— lib
—> ext
—> ext/oci8
/usr/bin/ruby /Users/brian/Desktop/ruby-oci8-0.1.13/ext/oci8/extconf.rb
checking for gcc… yes
checking for LP64… no
checking for OCIInitialize()… no
--------------- common error message --------------
If you use Oracle instant client, try with --with-instant-client.

zip package:
ruby setup.rb config –

rpm package:
ruby setup.rb config – --with-instant-client

The latest version of oraconf.rb may solve the problem.

If it could not be solved, send the following information to
[email protected].

  • error messages except ‘common error message’.
  • last 100 lines of ‘ext/oci8/mkmf.log’.
  • results of the following commands:
    ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘host’]”
    ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘CC’]”
    ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘CFLAGS’]”
    ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘LDSHARED’]”
    ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘LDFLAGS’]”
    ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘LIBS’]”
    ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘GNU_LD’]”
  • if you use gcc:
    gcc --print-prog-name=ld
    gcc --print-prog-name=as
  • on platforms which can use both 32bit/64bit binaries:
    file $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
    file which ruby
    echo $LIBPATH # AIX
    echo $SHLIB_PATH # HP-UX
    ------------------ error message ------------------
    Could not compile with Oracle instant client.
    You may need to set:

check_instant_client': RuntimeError (RuntimeError) from /Users/brian/Desktop/ruby-oci8-0.1.13/ext/oci8/oraconf.rb:107:in initialize’
/Users/brian/Desktop/ruby-oci8-0.1.13/ext/oci8/extconf.rb:6:in `new’
‘system /usr/bin/ruby
–with-instant-client=/usr/local/oracle/instantclient10_1/’ failed
Try ‘ruby setup.rb --help’ for detailed usage.

I tried following the hints it gave there, including updating
oraconf.rb, setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH. Any ideas?


[email protected] writes:

I am trying to get Rails to work with an Oracle database running
remotely. Rails will run on Mac OS X. I’m trying to follow the
directions at
Koalan & Surikaten,
but I get stuck at step 8 (test connection to database). When I try go
on and install the ruby-oci8 bindings, I get this output when trying to

Please post the last 100 lines of ext/oci8/mkmf.log and the results of
the following commands.

ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘host’]”
ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘CC’]”
ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘CFLAGS’]”
ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘LDSHARED’]”
ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘LDFLAGS’]”
ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘LIBS’]”
ruby -r rbconfig -e “p Config::CONFIG[‘GNU_LD’]”