Change redirect after method 'redirect_to'

I want to be able to change the redirection url after I called
redirect_to, is that possible?

My specific use case is that I want to change the default redirection of
“Login Engine” method signup, but I am seeing no other way then
copy/past and change the parameters of redirect_to.

This questions extends to render method as well, I want is to avoid
DoubleRenderError exception.

On 2/12/06, Eduardo R. [email protected] wrote:

I want to be able to change the redirection url after I called
redirect_to, is that possible?

My specific use case is that I want to change the default redirection of
“Login Engine” method signup, but I am seeing no other way then
copy/past and change the parameters of redirect_to.

This questions extends to render method as well, I want is to avoid
DoubleRenderError exception.

Looking at the source of the method, you see it calls
response.redirect and response.redirected_to. You could try doing the
same and seeing what happens.

Rick O.