.empty? Method

I am using:

if @post.empty?
   render_text "Post does not exist."

But it gives me this error:

NoMethodError in Posts#view

undefined method `empty?’ for #Posts:0x39598d0

However, if the method list empty? apears and stuff so I am confused.

It looks like you are calling it on a Post object, where the .empty is
meant for collections/strings and such. Should the above line read,
if @posts.empty?

Notice the s. I’m guessing you are loading posts like:
@posts = Post.find(:all)?

if so then @posts.empty? should work just fine.


Nick S. wrote:

It looks like you are calling it on a Post object, where the .empty is
meant for collections/strings and such. Should the above line read,
if @posts.empty?

Notice the s. I’m guessing you are loading posts like:
@posts = Post.find(:all)?

if so then @posts.empty? should work just fine.


No, I am doing a view page to view an entry seperately. I am using the
.empty? method to check if the row exists, and if it does not I will
output an error. This is the entire page code:

class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
@posts = Posts.find_all

def view
@post = Posts.find(@params[“id”])

if @post.empty?
   render_text "Post does not exist."



Michael B. wrote:

def view
@post = Posts.find(@params[“id”])
if @post.empty?
render_text “Post does not exist.”

You can’t use empty? on a class object. That method isn’t supported,
which i
believe is exactly what the error message tried to tell you. You want to
to see if the result of the find command has resulted in a defined @post

Change the condition to: if @post.nil?

or: unless @post
