Sybase ctlib Adapter


I’ve been trying to update Will Sobel’s sybase-ctlib adapter to pass
unit tests on Rails 1.0. It’s been a slow, sloggy process for me so
far, as I’ve been learning Ruby, Rails, and Sybase administration all
in one go. (c: It’s been a saving grace to have a good starting
point (thanks Will!).

The big issue I’m facing right now is reconciling fixtures and the
insert() method. I couldn’t tell for certain from looking at the SQL
in test/fixtures/db_definitions whether the unit test tables should
have (1) auto-generated id’s (IDENTITY in Sybase) or (2) app-
generated id’s. Near as I could tell, the SQL for db2, mysql,
postgresql, and sqlserver use #1, while firebird, oci, and sqlite use
#2. Just guessing tho.

In case #1, insert() would work as is for Sybase, but the fixtures
bail since they try to explicitly set the id’s. You can override
this with SET IDENTITY_INSERT, but I’m not sure how to hook into the
fixtures to flip this on and off. This would be my preferred approach.

In case #2, the fixtures work fine, but insert() fails because of the
missing id value. I assume I’d have to generate my own id, e.g,.
with max() + 1? It doesn’t look like the other adapters are doing
this, so I’m guessing case #1 is the way to go.

Of course, in the bigger picture, I’m not sure how ActiveRecord is
intended to handle id generation if the table (or database) doesn’t
support auto-increment. What’s the rule?

Also, is anyone else out there working on the ctlib adapter?

I’d appreciate any insights. Looking forward to getting this done so
I can go back to being a regular Rails user. (c:


On 2/1/06, John S. [email protected] wrote:


I’ve been trying to update Will Sobel’s sybase-ctlib adapter to pass unit
tests on Rails 1.0. It’s been a slow, sloggy process for me so far, as I’ve

If your want to work on this and don’t have Sybase available, Sybase
has a free Linux version that is not too restricted. My two cents is
that Sybase is 5X more cost effective than Oracle.

Sybase ASE Express Edition for Linux is the first enterprise-class
commercial database that can take you from pilot to deployment for
zero dollars and zero risk. You can develop a pilot project on Linux
without cost or risk AND without scrimping on performance or
manageability. Since it’s an industrial-strength data management
platform, you’ll be able to handle growth and evolving requirements
without painful, expensive upgrades

Jon S.
[email protected]

If you look at the SQL Server adapter, notice that in this method:

   def enable_identity_insert(table_name, enable = true)
      if has_identity_column(table_name)
        "SET IDENTITY_INSERT #{table_name} #{enable ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}"

…it turns on/off IDENTITY_INSERT on a given table. This is what you
want to emulate…

On Feb 1, 2006, at 10:59 AM, Jon S. wrote:

that Sybase is 5X more cost effective than Oracle.

They also have a free developer’s version for Mac at, IIRC:

Works pretty well on my PowerBook, although it does keep falling into
a strange state where it refuses all connections; I have to kill it
from the command line and restart. Other than that, it’s great.
Sure made running the ActiveRecord unit tests easier.


John R. Sheets

On Feb 1, 2006, at 1:40 PM, Corey L. wrote:

you would want to emulate…
Yep, I poached those and a bunch of other stuff from
sqlserver_adapter.rb. To get the fixtures to work, I added the code
below to the end of sybase_adapter.rb, for lack of a better place.
Any suggestions on where to officially put it?

require “active_record/fixtures”
class Fixtures
def insert_fixtures
values.each do |fixture|
allow_identity_inserts table_name, true
@connection.execute “INSERT INTO #{@table_name} (#
{fixture.key_list}) VALUES (#{fixture.value_list})”, ‘Fixture Insert’
allow_identity_inserts table_name, false

def allow_identity_inserts(table_name, enable)
@connection.execute “SET IDENTITY_INSERT #{table_name} #
{enable ? ‘ON’ : ‘OFF’}” rescue nil

The full unit test suite is now down to 10 failures and 7 errors.
I’ll try to get those resolved and the adapter code cleaned up to
submit a patch in the next few days.


John R. Sheets

On Feb 1, 2006, at 8:05 AM, John S. wrote:


I’ve been trying to update Will Sobel’s sybase-ctlib adapter to
pass unit tests on Rails 1.0. It’s been a slow, sloggy process for
me so far, as I’ve been learning Ruby, Rails, and Sybase
administration all in one go. (c: It’s been a saving grace to
have a good starting point (thanks Will!).

Finally got it passing all unit tests. The patch and list of caveats
are in the ticket:

I’d be grateful to hear any feedback on the implementation, local
testing results, etc.


John R. Sheets