Date_select broken

I am using date_select and in some instances it only shows about 10
years worth of choices. Same form on other users shows the whole
range. date_select looks like this

<%= date_select ‘user’,‘birthdate’ , :start_year => 1940 %>

I would expect to always see 1940-2006 or so , but i dont always do.
Is there a way to force the range or explain why i woudlnt always see
this range ?


Adam D. wrote:

I am using date_select and in some instances it only shows about 10
years worth of choices. Same form on other users shows the whole
range. date_select looks like this

<%= date_select ‘user’,‘birthdate’ , :start_year => 1940 %>

I would expect to always see 1940-2006 or so , but i dont always do.
Is there a way to force the range or explain why i woudlnt always see
this range ?

Was working with this yesterday, and here is how I did it:

<%= date_select ‘user’,‘birthdate’ , :start_year => 1940, :end_year => %>

You could always do some sort of calculation on that, as I am assuming
you don’t have 1 or 2 year olds using your site :slight_smile:

thanks i will try that. Is this a known bug of some sort ?