Upgrading from Rails 2.0.2 to Rails 3

Hi guys,

I used my rails site for 2 years without any upgrades. But now I want to
upgrade from the first rails 2 version to the newest. I’ve used rails
2.0.2 with the last globalize version 1.0.2… but now I’ve to upgrade
to globalize 3… BUT HOW!!! I’ve looked for tutorials, howto’s but
it seems that nobody whants to do it?!?

My question: What have I to do to upgrade globalize? (I know the
git-sites of globalize2 and globalize3)
OR HOW have ouy changed your sites completely from globalize to I18n?

thanks in advanced of a stressed user :wink:

On 24 Nov 2010, at 11:58, Guido Holz wrote:

Hi guys,

Hi Guido

I used my rails site for 2 years without any upgrades. But now I want to
upgrade from the first rails 2 version to the newest. I’ve used rails
2.0.2 with the last globalize version 1.0.2… but now I’ve to upgrade
to globalize 3… BUT HOW!!! I’ve looked for tutorials, howto’s but
it seems that nobody whants to do it?!?

My question: What have I to do to upgrade globalize? (I know the
git-sites of globalize2 and globalize3)
OR HOW have ouy changed your sites completely from globalize to I18n?

We’re just at the tail end of doing this to our site. We’ve gone to
2.3.x first, but the principle is the same. You’re going to need to go
through your site and change everywhere you’re doing ‘foo’.t to
t(‘some.namespace.foo’), same for .tn and /. How big a job this is
depends on the size of your site. I wrote some little tools to help me
but they’re pretty specific to our app. You’ll need to decide on
namespaces, and read up on how I18n works in rails now (the guide is
great). FWIW we’re just using plain I18n, not globalize.

What I did initially was remove the globalize plugin and make some
monkey patches for .t, .tn, / etc. that just returned the string,
marking any failing specs as pending. This meant we could upgrade to
2.3.x and fix everything that needed to be fixed for that before coming
back to i18n. Once that was done it was a pretty slow job trudging
through the code, moving stuff to the new format and grabbing the old
translations to put in the yml.

We settled on a simple schema for keys to start with based on the files
name and directory. This was so we can easily find where they are when
we inevitably want to move them around :slight_smile:

So for example a flash message in the create action in WidgetsController

“widget created”.t

would become


And in say app/views/widgets/index.html.haml

%h1= “Widget list”.t

would become

%h1= t(‘views.widgets.index.title’)

etc. etc.

We’re looking forward to getting everything back together using the key
based system. We think our translations will improve, not least because
the translators can reorder the variables now :slight_smile:

I used the following ack search to get a handle on how big the job was

ack --no-color --ignore-dir=vendor --ignore-dir=public --ignore-dir=spec
“(.t[^aDehimortuxy]|[’”]\s* / )"

thanks in advanced of a stressed user :wink:



On 25 Nov 2010, at 11:22, Guido Holz wrote:

Hey Chris thanks for your explanation. I thought I could do it without
rails2 :frowning:

We made the decision to stay with 2.3.x because we didn’t want to go to
3.0 in one blast. We wanted to be sure which bugs were caused by our
re-i18n of the site and not have to think about whether they could be
caused by a rails 3.0 change too. I think it was the right call in the
end, mainly because rspec 2.0 isn’t backwards compatible so we’d have
been changing the tests and the code at the same time. If you’re using a
different testing framework then you might be ok going straight to 3


Hey Chris thanks for your explanation. I thought I could do it without
rails2 :frowning:
Anyway… that wasn’t what you want to hear. But it should be the best
way like you did.

cheers guido