[roles/users]I give up, please help

Im testing ruby on rails and to practice i set my mind on making a login
system. because i would come across of regularly made source.


user_controller.rb, user.rb

my table layout:

users: |id|username|password
usertypes: |id|name| (admin, moderator, guest)
users_usertypes: |usertype_id|user_id| (+foreign key assocc)

i have this in my user.rb file:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :usertypes, :join_table =>“users_usertypes”

class Usertype < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :users, :join_table =>“users_usertypes”

in the user_controller (or application controller) are methods like this
(sadly i cant gettem to work)

this method should verify if the active user has an ‘admin’ usertype

connected to it

def auth_by_type(type)
@user = User.find(@session[:user_id]) #this searches for current user
if @user.usertype == type
flash[:notice] = “You are authorized as an #{type}”
flash[:notice] = “You are not authorized to view this page…”
redirect_to :action=>:login

def create
#insert a new usertype in the users_usertypes table

def update
#update a usertype in the users_usertypes table

how can i use a method with an attribute such as auth_by_type in a
before_filter. I tried:

before_filter :authorize_by_type(“admin”)

but that doesnt work…
Ive been spending hours and hours on this simple thing but i cant fix it.

I have a couple of questions.

  1. How can i update/set the usertype of a user
  2. How can i see if a user has a usertype ‘admin’ name
  3. How can i use the method from 2. in a before_filter

tim vo wrote:

connected to it

def auth_by_type(type)
@user = User.find(@session[:user_id]) #this searches for current user
if @user.usertype == type
flash[:notice] = “You are authorized as an #{type}”
flash[:notice] = “You are not authorized to view this page…”
redirect_to :action=>:login

My first guess is that you are having trouble with the ‘type’ keyword.
type is both a ruby keyword and a magic column name used for single
table inheritance. Using it outside of those contexts will cause you
endless headaches unless you are really careful.

Change that name to something like ‘kind’ and try it again.
