Form inputs resetting on sumbit

I searched for forum for something about this but couldn’t find

For example I have this in my view: (you enter start/end dates from
dropdowns, pick a category and a report is generated.)

<%= start_form_tag :action => ‘display_report’ %>
From: <%= date_select ‘report’, ‘date1’ %>

To: <%= date_select ‘report’, ‘date2’ %>

Category: <%= select(:report, :category_id, @categories) %>

<%= submit_tag ‘Show Report’ %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

When I submit this form (back to the same action) all of the dropdowns
are reset to default values, instead of what was selected. I haven’t had
problems when editing a AR object though. These inputs aren’t related to
an object, is that why?


Yes, that’s why. You have to save them in an instance variable, and put
this value in the select (just like you would in PHP).

Please tell me if you have any problems with it.


Jules wrote:

Yes, that’s why. You have to save them in an instance variable, and put
this value in the select (just like you would in PHP).

Please tell me if you have any problems with it.


Hmm, I’m not quite sure on how to do this, can you give me an example?

Chris S. wrote:

Jules wrote:

Yes, that’s why. You have to save them in an instance variable, and put
this value in the select (just like you would in PHP).

Please tell me if you have any problems with it.


Hmm, I’m not quite sure on how to do this, can you give me an example?

I was able to get the category to change by creating a report object:
class Report
attr_reader :category_id
attr_writer :category_id

def initialize(cat_id)
	@category_id = cat_id


I messed around with trying to get this to work with date_select, but no
luck. Can this be done? If so how do I set date1 and date2?

Chris S. wrote:

Chris S. wrote:

Jules wrote:

Yes, that’s why. You have to save them in an instance variable, and put
this value in the select (just like you would in PHP).

Please tell me if you have any problems with it.


Hmm, I’m not quite sure on how to do this, can you give me an example?

I was able to get the category to change by creating a report object:
class Report
attr_reader :category_id
attr_writer :category_id

def initialize(cat_id)
@category_id = cat_id

I messed around with trying to get this to work with date_select, but no
luck. Can this be done? If so how do I set date1 and date2?

Ok answering my post yet again, but I found one solution:

class Report
attr_reader :category_id, :date1, :date2
attr_writer :category_id, :date1, :date2

def initialize(cat_id, date1_year, date1_month, date1_day, date2_year, 

date2_month, date2_day)
@category_id = cat_id.to_i
@date1 =,date1_month.to_i,date1_day.to_i)
@date2 =,date2_month.to_i,date2_day.to_i)

So basically I had to create this class just so I could save my select
lists. I supposed I could have also used select_year / select_month /
select_day without this class by initializing a Date object in the
controller, but then there would still be the problem of the category.
If anyone has a better way of doing this let me know!