Finding an outputting a string of text

Thanks in advance for any help you folks can provide.

Using Ruby + Watir, I’ve written a script that launches IE, goes to my
company’s web site, and logs in, also recording the time for each

I cannot figure out how to do one last thing though, I need to capture
a string of text that will always begin with “server” and output it to
the csv I am outputting to .This string of text is always at the bottom
our our web site. Below you’ll find my attempt at a script :slight_smile: , any
ideas you may have are greatly appreciated.


sciprt begins here.

This script is intended to test logging in as an agent

  1. Opens a browser window
    2.inserts a URL(
    3.Inserts a Username
    4.Inserts a Password
  2. Clicks the login button
  3. Verifies a text string on the page
    require ‘watir’ # the watir controller
    require ‘time’ #time functionality

testSite = ‘
executionEnvironment = ‘Production’
beginTime = 0
endTime = 0
d =“%m/%d/%y%t,%I:%M:%S-%p,”)

#create a new log file
scriptLog =“Agent-Login1.log”, “w”) # This file will be
overwritten each time the script is run

#open spreadsheet
timeSpreadsheet = “AgentLogin1#” +“%d-%b-%y”) + “.csv”, “a”) #Note this will create a
new file every day…

scriptLog.puts ‘## Beginning of test: Agent-Login1’
scriptLog.puts ’ ’

#open the IE browser
$ie =
#action section
scriptLog.puts ‘Step 1: go to the Unitrin Specialty website:
beginTime =
endTime =
timeSpreadsheet.puts executionEnvironment + “,,”

  • (endTime - beginTime).to_s + “,Time to load home page,” + d
    scriptLog.puts ’ Action: entered ’ + testSite + ’ in the address

    scriptLog.puts ‘Step 2: enter "######: in the username field’
    $ie.textField(:name, “username”).set(“######”)
    scriptLog.puts ’ Action: entered ###### in the username field’

    scriptLog.puts ‘Step 3: enter in “######” in the password field.’
    $ie.text_field(:name, “password”).set(“#######”)
    scriptLog.puts ’ Action: entered in password “######”.’

    beginTime =
    scriptLog.puts ‘Step 4: click on the sign in button’
    $ie.button(:name, “Sign”).click
    scriptLog.puts ‘Expected Result: ’
    scriptLog.puts ’ The Agent Access Page should appear.’
    endTime =
    timeSpreadsheet.puts executionEnvironment + “,,”

  • (endTime - beginTime).to_s + “,Time to login,” + d
    scriptLog.puts ‘Actual Result: Check that the page contains the text
    “Using Agent Access”’
    a = $ie.pageContainsText(“Using Agent Access”)
    if !a
    scriptLog.puts ‘Test Failed! Could not locate “Using Agent Access”
    in the page’
    scriptLog.puts ‘Test Passed. Found “Using Agent Access” on the page
    after logging in’

scriptLog.puts ‘Close the browser’
scriptLog.puts ’ ’
scriptLog.puts ‘##End of test:Agent-Login1’