Dialog that pops up when window busy


In my window, I sometimes want to prevent the user from doing anything
while an action is occuring. So I want to disable the window (using

But I also want to popup a little dialog saying why the window is
being disabled (and perhaps have a little progress indicator on it).

Are there any Gtk widgets that could help me, or do I need to make a
custom dialog box for this?

Joe Van D. wrote:

custom dialog box for this?

A custom progress dialog should not be hard to implement. If you pop it
up as a modal dialog, you’ll also avoid having to desentivize the window
by hand. You’ll definitely need a separate thread for a progress dialog,
and possibly wrap whatever you’re doing that requires waiting in some
sort of ProgressingTask object to get things completely done.

That said, I do have a weird hunch I saw some existing implementations
of the problem around, but can’t for the heck of it figure out in what
context. Brief googling would indicate that indeed Gtk has a “progress
bar” widget, the documentation to that might provide some insights as to
what you’re looking at. And embedding one in a pop-up modal progress
dialog should then be trivial.

David V.

On 1/10/06, David V. [email protected] wrote:

That said, I do have a weird hunch I saw some existing implementations
of the problem around, but can’t for the heck of it figure out in what
context. Brief googling would indicate that indeed Gtk has a “progress
bar” widget, the documentation to that might provide some insights as to
what you’re looking at. And embedding one in a pop-up modal progress
dialog should then be trivial.

Bleh, meant to send this to ruby-gnome2, not ruby-talk. :frowning:

Anyway, here’s how I solved it. If there’s a cleaner way to do it,
I’d love to hear about it.

class App
def initialize
@window = Gtk::Window.new “Joe’s Crazy Application”
@window.set_default_size 300, 300

vbox = Gtk::VBox.new
@window << vbox

vbox << Gtk::Label.new("Stuff")
vbox << Gtk::Label.new("More Stuff")
vbox << Gtk::Button.new("Useless button")
vbox << Gtk::Button.new("Another Useless button")

lock_button = Gtk::Button.new "Lock window for three seconds"
vbox << lock_button

lock_button.signal_connect("clicked") do
  # Window gets locked while doing stuff
  @window.lock do
    start_time = Time.now
    # computationally heavy thing there
    loop do
      Gtk::process_gui_events # Any way I can get rid of this?
      rand 100000000
      break if Time.now - start_time >= 3

@window.signal_connect("delete-event") { Gtk::main_quit }


module Gtk

Makes sure that Gtk has a change to draw stuff

def self.process_gui_events
while Gtk::events_pending?

class Gtk::Window

Locks the window

def lock reason = “hold on there buddy”, &block
self.sensitive = false
display_locking_dialog(reason) do
self.sensitive = true

Displays a locking dialog box with a

pulsing progress bar over the window

def display_locking_dialog reason, &block
dialog = Gtk::Dialog.new “”, self, Gtk::Dialog::MODAL
dialog.decorated = false
vbox = Gtk::VBox.new
reason_label = Gtk::Label.new reason
progress_bar = Gtk::ProgressBar.new
thread_id = Gtk::timeout_add(100) { progress_bar.pulse }
vbox << reason_label << progress_bar
dialog.action_area << vbox


App.new if FILE == $0