[Ajax] draggable_element with button inside

Hi guys,

I have the following code:

  • <%= active_task.title %> <%= link_to_remote "Edit", :update => "active_task_#{active_task.id}", :url => { :action => "edit", :id => active_task.id } %>
  • The goal is when a user clicks on the “Edit” button, a new html portion
    with a html form (in order to modify the name of the task). The previous
    works. so far so good.
    But I added a new javascript feature:

    <%= draggable_element “active_task_#{active_task.id}”, :revert => true

    Now, the problem is that I don’t manage to distinct the click on the
    button and the one for “drag” action.
    How to solve this problem ? does a solution exist ?

    Best regards.
