Using the p command to print files

If any one has a copy of “why’s poignant guide to ruby”, turn to page
45. I can see immediately that
i)ruby p Dir ['*'] works and lists all files within a specified
directory. However
ii)ruby p File::methods produces the error…“ruby: No such file or
directory – p (LoadError)”
Is ii) just a way to show the generic syntax of the command?

[John M. [email protected], 2006-01-02 04.42 CET]

If any one has a copy of “why’s poignant guide to ruby”, turn to page 45. I can see immediately that
i)ruby p Dir ['*'] works and lists all files within a specified directory. However
ii)ruby p File::methods produces the error…“ruby: No such file or directory – p (LoadError)”
Is ii) just a way to show the generic syntax of the command?

I downloaded the PDF file and didn’t find what you wrote on page 45,
something like it on page 35. Next time please try to find the relevant
page (it is a little upwards from

The examples given are:

i) p Dir[‘idea-*.txt’]

ii) p File::methods

(there are no “ruby” or backticks). You should try them on an irb shell,
writing them on a file and then running it with “ruby file”, or passing
as a parameter to ruby, after the parameter “-e”, so:

ruby -e “p Dir[‘idea-*.txt’]”

ruby -e “p File::methods”

It’s best to do that only if you understand how your command shell
interprets quotes.

Good luck.

ii) just a way to show the generic syntax of the command?

If you’ve done a full Ruby install, you should have the ri command at
your disposal:

Example usage:
ri Object
ri Object::new
ri Kernel#p


Benjamin S. [email protected] wrote:

ri Object::new
~/Desktop/ruby-1.8.4%> ri Object::new
------------------------------------------------------------ Object::new

 Not documented

~/Desktop/ruby-1.8.4%> ri Kernel#p
zsh: no matches found: Kernel#p

just for fun )))

On Jan 1, 2006, at 11:27 PM, Une bévue wrote:

~/Desktop/ruby-1.8.4%> ri Kernel#p
zsh: no matches found: Kernel#p

just for fun )))

une bévue

(~/):~>$: ri “Kernel#p”

--------------------------------------------------------------- Kernel#p
p(obj, …) => nil

  For each object, directly writes obj.inspect followed by the
  current output record separator to the program's standard output.
  p bypasses the Ruby I/O libraries.

     S =, :state)
     s = S['dave', 'TX']
     p s


     #<S name="dave", state="TX">

you need to quote it because of the # char


Ezra Z. [email protected] wrote:

you need to quote it because of the # char

fine, thanks, i got it :wink: