Directory and file listing


I am trying to write my first ruby script to be used with Sketchup.
Basically it is the first part of the script that I am having a problem
with. So here is what i am trying to do:
1: person imputs the directory path—ie c://program…/yada/
2: ruby reads all image files in that directory and stores the file
names in a string to be used later on.

So I basically what the script to go into a directory and list all of
the file names. Then I can use those file names to feed into the rest of
my script.

any help would be appreciated,

Am Donnerstag, den 29.12.2005, 07:07 +0900 schrieb adam beazley:


I am trying to write my first ruby script to be used with Sketchup.
Basically it is the first part of the script that I am having a problem
with. So here is what i am trying to do:
1: person imputs the directory path—ie c://program…/yada/
2: ruby reads all image files in that directory and stores the file
names in a string to be used later on.


img = Dir[’*.jpg’]

returns all jpg-images in the current working directory as an array. So
you can iterate over it like:

img.each do |img|
p img


thanks for your reply, I believe i understand, however I dont know how
to make C:\Program Files@Last Software\SketchUp 5\Materials the current
directory in the program. Or how to make an option where the user can
type in, or browse to their own directory.

But on the string answer of your question:
img.each do |img|
p img

Does that mean that p will be a variable that will hold all the image


adam beazley wrote:

Does that mean that p will be a variable that will hold all the image


img = Dir[’*.jpg’] sets img to an array of the image names. the p in
the next piece of code just means “do something.” That code iterates
through the array of image names. instead of p img, you could say print
img, etc.

thanks for your reply, I believe i understand, however I dont know how
to make C:\Program Files@Last Software\SketchUp 5\Materials the current
directory in the program.
Dir.chdir “c:/Program Files/…” - use Dir.pwd to see where you are.

Or how to make an option where the user can
type in, or browse to their own directory.
For instance like this:
dir=gets # get user input from stdin
Dir.chdir dir # move to specified directory
img=Dir[“*.jpg”] #get array of all jpg files
puts img # print the filenames, one per line

But on the string answer of your question:
img.each do |img|
p img

Does that mean that p will be a variable that will hold all the image

Nope. ‘p’ is a print command. ‘img’ is the variable that holds the image

Have a look at the documentation and some programming guides (ex.
Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide) , and use irb for

Good luck.


But on the string answer of your question:
img.each do |img|
p img

Does that mean that p will be a variable that will hold all the image

BTW: The example may be slightly confusing, in using the same variable
name for the array of all image filenames as for the string holding a
single filename.
It can be rewritten like this:

images.each do |img|
p img

Here, ‘images’ is an array (list/collection) of all image file names,
‘img’ is a string holding a single filename.


Thanks for all of the post so far I really appreciate it.
Well here is the code which I havent got to work just yet so any advice
would be appreciated:


require ‘sketchup.rb’


Dir.chdir dir
#Dir.chdir “c:/Program Files/@Last Software/Sketchup 5/Materials/”
images.each do |img|


def materialimporter
model = Sketchup.active_model
materials = model.materials

if (img)

Adds a material to the “in-use” material pallet.

    m = materials.add "img"
            # Returns nil if not successful, path if successful. 

Should return a texture object
UI.messagebox $!.message

UI.messagebox “Failure”


if( not file_loaded?(“massmaterialimporter.rb”) )

# This will add a separator to the menu, but only once

plugins_menu ="Plugins")
Materials_menu = plugins_menu.add_submenu("Mass Material Importer")

Materials_menu.add_item("Import Materials") { materialimporter }



Ass you can see this script is meant to be put into a program called
sketchup. Im trying to make sketchup create a new texture for every jpg
in the given directory. Im a little confused as to how to make the
program go down the list of jpg’s and make a new texture for each jpg
and naming that texture the same name as the jpg.

ruby reads c://program…/…/…/sample.jpg
creates a texture and names it “sample”
then goes to the next jpg and does the same thing

anyway thanks everyone

Ok i think you lost me im still very new to ruby and programming in
general. I have some experience with C lang but not extensive. So as of
now this is where I am at with this program.

this first snippet is working:


require ‘sketchup.rb’


def getfilenames

prompts = ["Directory Location"]
values = []
results = inputbox prompts, values, "dir"
if (!results)
#success: you can extract values from the results array

directory = results.to_s
Dir.chdir directory
#Dir.chdir "C:\Program Files\@Last Software\SketchUp 5\Materials"

#at this point the script is working
    #the current directory is set to what the user imput!
#also the "images" array has all of the .jpg files inside it.


–So thats all working fine and dandy, the images array has all of the
names of the jpg files in it and i can make them print one per line.
However the
images.each do |img| is not working I get a syntax error so im not sure
why thats not working.
Now im trying to think about how to make this more object oriented
because the way this program will have to work. Basically I need the
file names of the images to be in some sort of order.
The way it works in sketchup is that I have to first create a “material”
and name this material so that it is added to the “in-use” browser. Then
I add the jpg texture to the already named material with the correct
So im trying to figure out how to do this with ruby, so that the
material is named the same as the texture without the .jpg suffix.

Im guessing this can be achieved with a while loop and maybe sorting the
"images array(alphabetically or by incrimenting the ?
what do you think?

Here is the correct script for adding a material, then naming it and 

then adding a texture to it:

def addMaterial
model = Sketchup.active_model
materials = model.materials
# Adds a material to the “in-use” material pallet.
m = materials.add “Material Name”
# Returns nil if not successful, path if successful. Should
return a texture object
m.texture=“c:\Program Files\@Last Software\SketchUp
UI.messagebox $!.message

So how can I automate this script to loop until every jpg in the
directory has been added to the “in-use” material pallet and named the
same as its texture file.

Thanks for all of the help, I really appreciate it.

just a little update before I leave for the day, I kept trying the:
images.each do |img_name| but never could get it to work, however I
found that [images].to_s changed the array to a string which i can now
access each file by using image[0] or image[1], image[2] etc…

So now what I am thinking is I can do a while loop and make the name of
the material and the texture start with images[0] and incrament by one
until they are all exhausted. I need to search and find out how to
increment in ruby (++i)?

thanks everyone
again any coments or help would be apreciated

On 12/29/05, adam beazley [email protected] wrote:

    #also the "images" array has all of the .jpg files inside it.

same as its texture file.

addMaterial needs to take a parameter, so it can be used without
knowing what context it’s in. Also… I’m not sure why you have
begin/rescue/end in there. How could assigning a string to
“m.texture” ever fail? If your texture=(texture_name) method in
‘materials’ might raise an exception, you might want to consider
handling it there, and having it return nil if no texture could be

def addMaterial(file_path)
model = Sketchup.active_model
materials = model.materials
material_name = File.basename(file_path) # returns Carpet.jpg from
c:/program files/etc/Carpet.jpg

Adds a material to the “in-use” material pallet.

m = materials.add material_name # e.g. Carpet.jpg
# Returns nil if not successful, path if successful. Should return
a texture object
m.texture = file_path
UI.messagebox $!.message

Now you can do:
images.each do |image_file|

The above is a ‘block’, and the “image_file” variable is only
available between the ‘do’ and ‘end’ keywords.
In your code, you were trying to access it from elsewhere, which isn’t
Your code comment:

Returns nil if not successful, path if successful. Should return a

texture object
…doesn’t make too much sense to me. You’re setting the path, so why
does it get returned?
Also, if “UI.messagebox” has a return value, sometimes your
addMaterial method won’t behave as you expect. I think you should
revisit the use of begin/rescue/end in this case.

Further, you should put some thought into where addMaterial (in Ruby
style, add_material) should live.
If you put it in the same class as ‘materials’, you can avoid the
first few lines, and skip straight to ‘materials.add’

Good luck,

require ‘sketchup.rb’

I’m not getting a good picture of where this code fits, and how

parameters are fed to it.

So, let’s assume that Sketchup has a class method on it that will let

us know.

e.g. Sketchup.materials_path contains 'C:/Program Files/@Last

Software/Blah Blah/’

Call Materials_menu.initialize_menu somehow, probably not here,

since this is the menu # action.
Dir.chdir Sketchup.materials_path
Dir["*.jpg"].each do |img_name|
rescue Exception => e

This needs to be defined before it is called, so put it in one of

your classes.

Let’s assume it’s available as Sketchup.import_material()

I’ve also made the assumption that ‘texture’ contains a filename,

not the actual file data.

Note; you would put this actual definition in sketchup.rb, not here.

def Sketchup.import_material(file_name)
materials = Sketchup.active_model.materials

Adds a material to the “in-use” material pallet.

m = materials.add “img”
m.texture = file_name

This should be in a better place as well, and you could use a


class variable instead of the file_loaded? thing.

def Materials_menu.initialize_menu
unless file_loaded?(“massmaterialimporter.rb”)
# This will add a separator to the menu, but only once
plugins_menu =“Plugins”)
Materials_menu = plugins_menu.add_submenu(“Mass Material Importer”)
Materials_menu.add_item(“Import Materials”) { materialimporter }

thanks for your reply.

Well I am almost there I just need a little more help to get me home.
Here is the script so far, the trouble I am having now is with the while

def materialimporter

prompt = ["Directory Location"]
value = []
results = inputbox prompt, value, "Directory"
if (!results)
#success: you can extract values from the results array

directory = results.to_s
Dir.chdir directory

maxnum = images.length
img_num = 0
model = Sketchup.active_model
    materials = model.materials

while images <= maxnum

m = materials.add "images[img_num]"
img_num += 1


So the while loop doesnt seem to be working at all and im not sure why.
Please help.

On Dec 29, 2005, at 5:22 PM, adam beazley wrote:

So now what I am thinking is I can do a while loop and make the
name of
the material and the texture start with images[0] and incrament by one
until they are all exhausted. I need to search and find out how to
increment in ruby (++i)?

I’m starting to pick up Ruby, and I learned through trial and error
recently that I had to increment like this:

value += 1

The ++ operator didn’t seem to be present, and it’s not listed in
Table 22.4, Ruby operators, of Programming Ruby, 2nd ed.


I figured it out and the script works and it does exactly what I wanted
it to do. Thank you so much everyone, I appreciate the support on this
one. Here is the final code:


require ‘sketchup.rb’


def materialimporter

prompt = ["Directory Location"]
value = []
results = inputbox prompt, value, "Directory"
if (!results)
#success: you can extract values from the results array

directory = results.to_s
Dir.chdir directory

maxnum = images.length
img_num = 0
model = Sketchup.active_model
    materials = model.materials

until img_num > maxnum

m = materials.add images[img_num]
img_num += 1


if( not file_loaded?(“massmaterialimporter.rb”) )

# This will add a separator to the menu, but only once


plugins_menu ="Plugins")

plugins_menu.add_item("Import Materials") { materialimporter }



So i only have one last question:
I would like it if the name of the material could be brushedsteel
instead of brushedsteel.jpg so how do I take off the file extension?


Change the ‘while’ to:

 while img_num <= maxnum

then give it a try.

On 12/30/05, adam beazley [email protected] wrote:

model = Sketchup.active_model

plugins_menu.add_item("Import Materials") { materialimporter }

I would like it if the name of the material could be brushedsteel
instead of brushedsteel.jpg so how do I take off the file extension?

filename = ‘example.jpg’
name = File.basename(filename, ‘.’)

name now has the value ‘example’

I’d also like to suggest that you read my last post more carefully…
You’re jumping through some unnecessary hoops with the ‘images.to_s’,
and img_num things. ‘each’ does everything you need, all by itself.

I’m not familiar with sketchup, but I can at least show you how
iterations through an array should look:

Dir.chdir dir
images.each do |img|
material_importer( img)

def material_importer( img)
m =
m.sample_name = img
m.filename = img + “.jpg”

In other words, pass each element of the array (img) to your method
(material_importer) and then do something with it there. You shouldn’t
meed to access the full array (images) from the method.

In line 4 here, the array is sorted and then the method is called on
each element of the array.

Dir.chdir dir
images.sort.each do |img|
material_importer( img)

def material_importer( img)
model = Sketchup.active_model
materials = model.materials

Adds a material to the “in-use” material pallet.

m = materials.add img.to_s
# Returns nil if not successful, path if successful. Should
# return a texture object
m.texture= img.to_s + “.jpg”
UI.messagebox $!.message