Conflict between active record and Log4R

I recently added some activerecord code to a stand-alone application
that uses Log4R. I’m getting some weird conflicts.

The code below demonstrates one of the problems I see… if you remove
the line : “require_gem ‘activerecord’” the code executes fine. If you
have it in the code you will get the following error:

C:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/log4r/logger.rb:109:in outputters=': undefined methodclear’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from C:/dev/src/scratch/scratch.rb:11

Here is the code:

require ‘log4r’
include Log4r
require “rubygems”
require_gem “activerecord”

#require “database/active_storage”

create a logger named ‘mylog’ that logs to stdout

mylog = ‘mylog’
puts mylog.inspect
mylog.outputters = Outputter.stdout

Now we can log.

def do_log(log)
log.debug “This is a message with level DEBUG” “This is a message with level INFO”
log.warn “This is a message with level WARN”
log.error “This is a message with level ERROR”
log.fatal “This is a message with level FATAL”

mylog.level = ERROR
mylog.error “BLAHBLAH”

Any insight on what’s going on here?


I think the activerecord use Ruby’s Inner Logger to overwrite the
Log4r’s Logger.
you can see my post here

It would be helpful

phil swenson å??é?ï¼?