It does not send the inquiries

I have a problem with the inquiries in my web page, I am using
and I have configured for sending emails at my mail account. But it does
not work and the log returns this error : “503 STARTTLS command used
not advertised”.
If you need any file only ask me.
I hope your answers soon.

On Monday, June 2, 2014 10:10:10 AM UTC-4, Antonio A. wrote:

I have a problem with the inquiries in my web page, I am using refineryCMS
and I have configured for sending emails at my mail account. But it does
not work and the log returns this error : “503 STARTTLS command used when
not advertised”.
If you need any file only ask me.
I hope your answers soon.

Unfortunately, this could be a number of things. We need to see how you
have your mail server set up in Rails. You would have set it up in
the application.rb or production.rb file. You can XXX out any specific
server names, user names, and passwords, just need to see the

On Monday, June 2, 2014 12:56:07 PM UTC-4, mike2r wrote:

If you need any file only ask me.
I hope your answers soon.

Unfortunately, this could be a number of things. We need to see how you
have your mail server set up in Rails. You would have set it up in either
the application.rb or production.rb file. You can XXX out any specific
server names, user names, and passwords, just need to see the configuration.

I got a private message with a copy of the production.rb file. Sorry
delayed in responding to this. The issue is in the following block:

ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings={ }

These settings need to be defined for the smtp server. It’s possible
have them defined somewhere else (such as the application.rb file) in
case I would need to see the definition. The error you’re getting
results from attempting to authenticate the mail server over an SSL
connection. It could be that your server doesn’t support the AUTH
or that it only supports a certain type of authentication which needs to
defined in the smtp settings. For example, for Gmail accounts, it
something like the following:

config.action_mailer.smtp.settings = {
:address => “”,
:port => 587,
:domain => “”,
:user_name => “myusername”
:password = > “mypassword”
:authentication => :plain,
:enable_starttls_auto => true

The error you are getting can come from an incorrect value for either of
the last two parameters, authentication or startlls_auto. It’s also
possible your mail server just doesn’t support a secure connection, but
that’s where I would start looking.