Questions about ruby cgi

I’m trying to use the cgi library to generate some html that will later
run through erb.

The problem i’m having is that if i try to use the cgi.text_field method
automatically escapes anything passed in as the value. That means an erb
instruction like “<%= get_a_value_ here %>” gets escaped and erb ignores

I looked at the cgi source, but the method that does the work, input(),
isn’t defined in the main file.

I have two questions:

  1. Where would i find the file where the instance method input is
  2. Is there an easier way around this than trying to hack the cgi


On Sat, 17 Dec 2005, Larry W. wrote:

I have two questions:

  1. Where would i find the file where the instance method input is defined?
  2. Is there an easier way around this than trying to hack the cgi library?

eparklabs will be releasing this in the next few days:

  [ahoward@localhost xx-0.0.0]$ cat a.rb
  require "xx"

  class Table < ::Array
    include XX::XHTML

    def to_xhtml
          head_{ title_{ "table demo" } }

          h1_(:style => :sweet){ "this is a table " }

          h_{ "<malformed html & open tags if you must" }

          table_(:width => 42, :height => 42){
              tr_{ row.each{|cell| td_ cell } }

  table = Table[ %w( 0 1 2 ), %w( a b c ) ]

  puts table.to_xhtml

  [ahoward@localhost xx-0.0.0]$ ruby -I./lib a.rb
  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"”>

table demo

this is a table

<malformed html & open
tags if you must

0 1 2
a b c

perhaps i could send you a version offline to test?


| email : ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] eparklabs [dot] com
| uri :
| all happiness comes from the desire for others to be happy. all misery
| comes from the desire for oneself to be happy.
| – bodhicaryavatara

there an easier way around this than trying to hack the cgi library?


   <table height='42' width='42'>

perhaps i could send you a version offline to test?



I like the looks of that a lot. Can you send me a copy of list? I

will test and give feedback.
