

sorry for such a basic question
am I missing some module with math constants or are the users … me
in this case :slight_smile: supposed to define them on our own?
I know and do now
PI = Math.acos(-1)



On Sat, 17 Dec 2005, Daniel [UNKNOWN] Schüle wrote:


sorry for such a basic question
am I missing some module with math constants or are the users … me
in this case :slight_smile: supposed to define them on our own?
I know and do now
PI = Math.acos(-1)



harp:~ > irb
irb(main):001:0> Math::constants.grep /pi/i
=> [“PI”]
irb(main):002:0> Math::PI
=> 3.14159265358979




harp:~ > irb
irb(main):001:0> Math::constants.grep /pi/i
=> [“PI”]
irb(main):002:0> Math::PI
=> 3.14159265358979


yes, it helps
I am not sure whether I tried Math::PI or Math.PI
also I use Ruby on windows and linux
as I wrote my prevous post I used Ruby on windows

but it brings up an interessting point

module A
def e;5;end
def A.f;6;end

A::f is the same as A.f
$d is immediatly accessable
A::e, A.e accessable after include A

what is about a,b and c?
How can I put a constant in the module?

Regards, Daniel

On Sat, 17 Dec 2005, [ISO-8859-1] Daniel Schüle wrote:

yes, it helps
def e;5;end
def A.f;6;end

A::f is the same as A.f
$d is immediatly accessable
A::e, A.e accessable after include A

what is about a,b and c?
How can I put a constant in the module?

module M
A = 42

module N
include M
B = 42

class K
include A
include B
C = 42

p M::A

p N::A
p N::B

p K::A
p K::B
p K::C



On 12/16/05, Daniel Schüle [email protected] wrote:

$d is immediatly accessable
A::e, A.e accessable after include A

what is about a,b and c?

$d is immediately available since the $ prefix makes it global.

‘a’ is a normal variable with local scope. The scope is the module
definition. So once you close the method definition the variable goes
away. It’s still tied in the environment of any closures that
referenced it while it was “alive”, however. This is useful for
instance in metaprogramming:

module Foo
def bar
extend self
end # => “bar”

… later …

module Foo # reopening, not defining
old_bar = method(:bar)
define_method(:bar) do
“foo” +

old_bar # => raises NameError: undefined local variable or method
`old_bar’ # => “foobar”

@b is an instance variable – specifically, an instance variable on
the current self where it is used. In this case, that means it’s an
instance variable on the Module object. So, if you reopen the module
and access @b, it will retain the value:

module Bar
@test = 42

module Bar
puts @test

=> 42

@@c is a class variable – normally, a class variable on the class of
the current self. One would think that since the class of the Module
object defined is Module, all Modules will share class variables:

module A
@@class_var = “xyzzy”

module B
puts @@class_var

However, try the above and you’ll get “uninitialized class variable
@@class_var in B”. But if you reopen A, @@class_var is still there. I,
not knowing more, can only assume that ruby treats class variables
special and uses self as the container – rather than self.class –
when self is a Class or Module.

What’s the difference between @b and @@c at the class/module scope
then? As far as I can tell, none – except confusion.

How can I put a constant in the module?

Same as usual:

BAR = 42
BAR = 43 # => warning: already initialized constant BAR

module FOO
BAR = 42

puts FOO::BAR # => 42

BAR = 43

=> warning: already initialized constant BAR

Jacob F.