Test/unit and pp


given the following program:

#!/opt/ruby/1.8/bin/ruby -w

require ‘test/unit’

class FooTester < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
@foo << [:a,:b,[:c]]
def test_foo
assert_instance_of Hash,@foo

I’d like to have the

" 1) Failure:
test_foo(FooTester) [-:16]:
<[[:a, :b, [:c]]]> expected to be an instance of
but was

written a bit shorter, perhaps like this:

" 1) Failure:
test_foo(FooTester) [-:16]:
instance of expected but was ."

because sometimes I have very large objects to compare. I was not
successful by setting use_pp=false, somehow there is no difference
between those two (with and w/o use_pp=false).


you should grab unitdiff from the ZenTest package, available at

it will work wonders on cleaning up large amounts of testing feedback.


you should grab unitdiff from the ZenTest package, available at

it will work wonders on cleaning up large amounts of testing feedback.

does it also clean up the messages? Couldn’t find anything in the docs
about it.


" 1) Failure:
test_foo(FooTester) [-:16]:
instance of expected but was ."


On 12/12/05, Patrick G. [email protected]

you should grab unitdiff from the ZenTest package, available at

it will work wonders on cleaning up large amounts of testing feedback.

does it also clean up the messages? Couldn’t find anything in the docs
about it.

Ahh, I misread your request. No it doesn’t clean up the message.

On Dec 12, 2005, at 11:07 AM, Patrick G. wrote:

you should grab unitdiff from the ZenTest package, available at

it will work wonders on cleaning up large amounts of testing

does it also clean up the messages? Couldn’t find anything in the docs
about it.

Yes and no. It show’s a diff of the two items that were suppose to
be equal. This is almost a required feature when working with
assert_tag() in Rails, for example.

James Edward G. II