Ice-related Build Problem

Building GR with the latest pybombs completes successfully, but when
calling a GR binary, there’s an error about ICE (which built without

$:~/pybombs/src/gnuradio/build$ gnuradio-config-info -v
gnuradio-config-info: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This is on Ubuntu 12.04 x64

Very Respectfully,

Dan CaJacob

Running find to search for the missing library does find it at:


Very Respectfully,

Dan CaJacob

These ‘cannot open shared object file’ errors are usually solved for me
running ‘sudo ldconfig’.

Pybombs should not be run as root as everything gets installed to the
target directory.

You need to run ‘./pybombs env’ and append the line about ‘source
to your home directory’s ‘.bashrc’ file.


Ettus R. Technical Support
Email: [email protected]

Thanks, Tom! See my comments in context below:

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Tom R. [email protected] wrote:

Wait, why do you have a lib64 on an Ubuntu machine? But, we do check in
lib64, so that shouldn’t be the problem.

I don’t know, but I do have ia32-libs installed on all of my nodes. It
been necessary in the past for one of our binaries, but may no longer be

However, package management is not one of ZeroC’s strong suits, as Philip
and I can attest to with the OE recipe work… And finding the libraries is
a pain as well.

Do you have /usr/include/Ice*? And specifically,
/usr/include/IceUtil/Config.h. We use that to test if the Ice dev files are
there, and if so, extract the version number from it.

I do have those directories and the specific file you mentioned.

Things seem to be completely different for Ice 3.4 and Ice 3.5 and on
different versions of Ubuntu as well as other distros. It’s kind of a mess.
Can you get the CMake output for me? For the latest Ice 3.5 cmake script,
there’s a lot more output info to see what’s happening.

Sure. I assume you mean for gnuradio and no Ice.


Interestingly, when I was retesting the cmake output for you, I built it
manually after that and it worked this time - no ice complaints. So,
problem seems likely to be somehow brought out when pybombs does the
(maybe passing options that I did not when compiling manually).

The original problem was on multiple machines and across multiple tries
build with pybombs, so this final success was definitely the result of
something done differently.

Very Respectfully,

Dan CaJacob

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 1:21 AM, Dan CaJacob [email protected]

Running find to search for the missing library does find it at:


Very Respectfully,

Dan CaJacob

Wait, why do you have a lib64 on an Ubuntu machine? But, we do check in
lib64, so that shouldn’t be the problem. However, package management is
one of ZeroC’s strong suits, as Philip and I can attest to with the OE
recipe work… And finding the libraries is a pain as well.

Do you have /usr/include/Ice*? And specifically,
/usr/include/IceUtil/Config.h. We use that to test if the Ice dev files
there, and if so, extract the version number from it.

Things seem to be completely different for Ice 3.4 and Ice 3.5 and on
different versions of Ubuntu as well as other distros. It’s kind of a
Can you get the CMake output for me? For the latest Ice 3.5 cmake
there’s a lot more output info to see what’s happening.
