How can I do array program in different way?

I write following program to find maximum element from array.

a = [15,2,34,3,4,6,8,65,43,23]
for i in a
puts i
if i>a[8]
max = i
puts “maximum element of array is: #{max}”

In above program, If I do not want to use a[8] which i used in “if
i>a[8]” this code.

Is it possible without using a[8]? if yes then How can I do it?

Kind regard.

See the following snippet:

arymax.rb Find the msx value for an array of integers

a = [15,2,34,3,4,6,8,65,43,23]
a.each { |x| a_max=x if(x > a_max) }
p a.inspect
p “Max value is #{a_max}”
ruby arymax.rb
“[15, 2, 34, 3, 4, 6, 8, 65, 43, 23]”
“Max value is 65”

hth gfb

Gianfranco Bozzetti wrote in post #1144051:

See the following snippet:

arymax.rb Find the msx value for an array of integers

a = [15,2,34,3,4,6,8,65,43,23]
a.each { |x| a_max=x if(x > a_max) }
p a.inspect
p “Max value is #{a_max}”
ruby arymax.rb
“[15, 2, 34, 3, 4, 6, 8, 65, 43, 23]”
“Max value is 65”

Thank you very much.

Kind regards.

Jaimin P. wrote in post #1144021:

Is it possible without using a[8]? if yes then How can I do it?

irb(main):002:0> a = [15,2,34,3,4,6,8,65,43,23]
=> [15, 2, 34, 3, 4, 6, 8, 65, 43, 23]
irb(main):003:0> a.inject {|a,b| a > b ? a : b}
=> 65

Jaimin P. wrote in post #1144021:

I write following program to find maximum element from array.

a = [15,2,34,3,4,6,8,65,43,23]

puts “The maximum element in the array is #{a.max}.” #a.max=65

Though I really like the .inject method Robert wrote if you were just
looking for some ruby practice.