RE: possible rails bug? form errors and scoping

Actually, you need to change another line as well… from:

“#{pluralize(object.errors.count, “error”)} prohibited this
#{object_name.to_s.gsub(”_", " “)} from being saved”


“#{pluralize(object.errors.count, “error”)} prohibited this
#{object.class.to_s.downcase} from being saved”

I guess you do lose a bit of functionality here, because if you had

@guy = Person.find_by_name(‘Jim’)

And then…
error_messages_for ‘guy’

It would say:
1 error prohibited this guy from being saved

Whereas now you would only get:
1 error prohibited this person from being saved

It’s probably not a big deal, but just so you know…, I personally like
it the new way, but that’s just me. Also, if you had a BadPerson class
it will now say ‘1 error prohibited this badperson from being saved’, so
you might want to reformat it a bit and put a space before each capital

Cheers, Jonathan