Accessing results of retrieve where


I am searching for a record using “where”:

@profile = Profile.where(:user_id =>

This returns:
=> [#<Profile id: 6, user_id: 19, last_subject_id: 6, last_book_id: 2,
last_chapter_id: 1, last_section_id: 1, last_subsection_id: 1,
last_minisection_id: 20, about: nil, image: nil, created_at: “2013-03-13
01:45:44”, updated_at: “2014-01-30 02:11:54”, students_last_subject_id:
6, students_last_book_id: nil, students_last_chapter_id: nil>]

I am trying to then access “students_last_subject_id” using several
methods including @profile.students_last_subject_id,
but it keeps returning nil. With the enclosing brackets i am guessing
this is not a hash, but I also cannot access it as an array .

Can anyone help?



On Jan 29, 2014, at 10:18 PM, Dave C. wrote:

01:45:44", updated_at: “2014-01-30 02:11:54”, students_last_subject_id:
6, students_last_book_id: nil, students_last_chapter_id: nil>]

I am trying to then access “students_last_subject_id” using several
methods including @profile.students_last_subject_id,
but it keeps returning nil. With the enclosing brackets i am guessing
this is not a hash, but I also cannot access it as an array .

Can anyone help?

Where always returns an array (sometimes it’s empty). If you want to get
the record (or nil) you can use Profile.find( instead.
That will return the bare object (not wrapped in an array) and you can
get the attributes out of it. If you want to use where(), then do this:

@profile = Profile.where(:user_id =>


