JRuby, Heroku, and New Relic

I am currently attempting to achieve the Holy Grail for a JRuby, Heroku,
and New Relic deployment:

  • separate New Relic applications for ruby and jvm monitoring
  • separate New Relic applications for web and worker processes
  • neither ruby nor java agents start up in console

So there will be 4 New Relic applications for my app Foo:

  • Foo
  • Foo (Java)
  • Foo-sidekiq
  • Foo-sidekiq (Java)

I’m currently exploring this with New Relic support. I was wondering if
anyone on the list has tried something similar? If folks are interested
can share more about what I’ve achieved so far and what problems remain.



I am very interested in hearing how far you got and what you learned
about working with both JVM and Ruby New Relic agents.
