Asciiart 0.0.6 released

Turn images on your hard drive or on the internet to asciiart…even
colorized asciiart.

New In This Version: Verbose, Copy & Paste-able HTML output.

In Code:

require ‘asciiart’

a =“/Users/sschor/Desktop/uncle_larry.jpg”)
a ="

puts a.to_ascii_art
=> …untold glory follows
puts a.to_ascii_art(color: true)
=> …now you’re cooking with gas

puts a.to_ascii_art(color: true, format: ‘html’)
=> …Oh no you din.

From The Command Line using the ‘asciiart’ executable:

$ asciiart ~/Desktop/uncle_larry.jpg or even
$ asciiart
$ asciiart -h

Usage: asciiart [options] <path_or_url>
-w, --width WIDTH Width of the finished Ascii Art (Default: 100)
-f, --format [text/html] output format (Default: text)
-c, --color Switch to use colored terminal output (Default: false)
-i, --invert-chars Invert the character map. Depending on your terminal
image this can make the image clearer (or a lot worse)
-v, --version Show AsciiArt version
-h, --help Show this message

It relies on rmagick, so…you know…make sure your have imagemagick

Github: GitHub - nodanaonlyzuul/asciiart
Rubygems: asciiart | | your community gem host

Please use, file issues, and fork away.

Andrew, Ross, & Stephen from Eastmedia

On Sat, 2013-11-16 at 15:27 -0500, Stephen S. wrote:

    require 'asciiart'

irb(main):001:0> require ‘asciiart’
odd number list for Hash
options = { width: 100, color: false, format: "t…
syntax error, unexpected ‘:’, expecting ‘}’
options = { width: 100, color: false, format: "t…
Can’t assign to false
… = { width: 100, color: false, format: “text” }.merge(option…
syntax error, unexpected ‘:’, expecting ‘=’
…th: 100, color: false, format: “text” }.merge(options)
syntax error, unexpected ‘}’, expecting kEND
…color: false, format: “text” }.merge(options)


from (irb):1

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Stephen S.
[email protected] wrote:

Hey Reid.

I haven’t had anyone else report this issue - would you be able to file a
ticket in github(Issues · nodanaonlyzuul/asciiart · GitHub) with a
detailed code snippet?

Please include the version of the gem (and make make sure you don’t have
competing versions of the gem installed).

/usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/asciiart-0.0.6/lib/asciiart.rb:18: odd
number list for Hash
options = { width: 100, color: false, format: "t…

It looks like he is using Ruby 1.8 to run it, and that is the “new”
Hash syntax introduced in 1.9.


On Mon, 2013-11-18 at 17:13 +0100, Jesús Gabriel y Galán wrote:

/usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/asciiart-0.0.6/lib/asciiart.rb:18: odd
number list for Hash
options = { width: 100, color: false, format: "t…

It looks like he is using Ruby 1.8 to run it, and that is the “new”
Hash syntax introduced in 1.9.


correct 1.8.7 doesn’t understand the new syntax

Hey Reid.

I haven’t had anyone else report this issue - would you be able to file
ticket in github(Issues · nodanaonlyzuul/asciiart · GitHub) with a
detailed code snippet?

Please include the version of the gem (and make make sure you don’t have
competing versions of the gem installed).

Thanks for the report,