“ThreadError: current thread not owner” using Sinatra?

I’m building a small Sinatra server which has one GET route called
/execute. It accepts a code parameter and runs the Ruby code from
that parameter using the sandboxed gem, returning a result in JSON.

# /app.rb
class MistressBase < Sinatra::Base
  get '/execute' do
    content_type :json
    Oj.dump( {
      'result' => safe { eval(URI.unescape(params[:code])) }
    } )

# /config.ru
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'sandboxed'
require 'uri'
require 'oj'

require './app'

run MistressBase

When I run shotgun config.ru everything’s fine. If I go to and pass
something simple like http://localhost:9393/execute?code=70-1 I get
the expected JSON response of {"result":69}. However if I pass a
file-like string like
which is basically, this but URI.escapeed:

require 'benchmark'

Benchmark.measure { 'a' * 1_000_000 }

I get a ThreadError at /execute with the description of current thread not owner. I have attached the backtrace.

Also, setting code the parameter to /execute to something like 1 - 1 (encoded) gives me the same error while 1-1 doesn’t. What am I
missing? Why am I getting this error?

On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 7:47 PM, Rafal C. [email protected] wrote:

I get a ThreadError at /execute with the description of current thread not owner. I have attached the backtrace.

Also, setting code the parameter to /execute to something like 1 - 1 (encoded) gives me the same error while 1-1 doesn’t. What am I
missing? Why am I getting this error?

Just guessing: method safe will probably start a new thread so it can
adjust $SAFE. The code in the block passed to safe probably somewhere
tries to access a critical section which the outer code has locked

Kind regards


Robert K. wrote in post #1127735:

Just guessing: method safe will probably start a new thread so it can
adjust $SAFE. The code in the block passed to safe probably somewhere
tries to access a critical section which the outer code has locked

Any way to avoid that and be able to run code safely in my setup and