Marshalling Time instances and ActiveSupport

Hi All,

Any idea why this is happening?

Linux rohit-dev 3.2.0-49-generic #75-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 18 17:39:32 UTC
2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ irb
1.9.3p429 :001 > p t =; Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(t))
2013-08-14 19:24:12 -0500
=> 2013-08-14 19:24:12 -0500
1.9.3p429 :002 > require ‘active_support/all’
=> true
1.9.3p429 :003 > p t =; Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(t))
2013-08-14 19:24:19 -0500
=> 2013-08-14 19:24:19 -0500

$ irb
jruby-1.7.4 :001 > p t =; Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(t))
2013-08-14 19:20:39 -0500
=> 2013-08-14 19:20:39 -0500
jruby-1.7.4 :002 > require ‘active_support/all’
=> true
jruby-1.7.4 :003 > p t =; Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(t))
2013-08-14 19:20:53 -0500
=> 2013-08-14 20:20:53 -0500

The JRuby unmarshalled value has changed from 19:20:53 -0500 to 20:20:53
-0500 after ActiveSupport is loaded.

Thanks, Rohit