Unable to connect Mysql2 or Sqlite3 on windows

Hi every body.
I would like to know if this problem is occurs only with me?
I was unable to get Mysql2 ou Sqlite3 working with Ruby and rails.
-ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27) [i386-mingw32]
-Rails 4.0.0.
I tried several tutorials but no one work for me.

See same examples, for sqlite3:

And many others.
I can install de gems but When a run the app its simple crash.

For mysql

Anyone has a simple way to install the database?


Getting good support for rails in windows is difficult. Why don’t you
switch to Ubuntu or OSX?

Dheeraj K.

On 7 August 2013 21:09, Alexandre A. [email protected] wrote:

And many others.
I can install de gems but When a run the app its simple crash.

What do you mean by simple crash? Is there not an error message of some

I agree with Dheeraj though, much better to use a Linux distribution
such as Ubuntu. Run it in a virtual machine in Windoze or set your PC
up to dual boot Win and Ubuntu.
