Unable to start the web application from localhost:3000(ruby on rails)

I had created a demo web application by executing rails tickets and then
i executed rails script/server to run it on localhost.

Initially i was able to execute the application in the browser by typing
localhost:3000 in the address bar, but then I deleted the folder tickets
from my hard disk.

Now again i created the same folder but when i try to run it using the
same command rails script/server it says that

File exists - script/server

I tried deleting the script/server file but i still couldn’t run the
localhost:3000 in the browser

What is the solution to this

Your old one was rails 2.x I guess, but your new one is 3 or above. The
command for starting the server is ‘rails s’
Am 30.10.2012 11:24 schrieb “vipin v.” [email protected]:

i have rails version 2.3.14 with me

with rails s it gave the following output:-

but still i was unable to localhost:3000

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 6:44 PM, vipin v. [email protected] wrote:

i have rails version 2.3.14 with me

you should’ve not deleted the script/server file. you’re using rails 2
the proper way to start
the server is ruby script/server not rails script/server. the shorcut
this is just script/server.

For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

but now i have done it, so what is the solution??
will i never be able to run the app in server again??

can someone please help me asap… please !

Il 30/10/12 11:46, vipin v. ha scritto:

with rails s it gave the following output:-

but still i was unable to localhost:3000

I think you just created a new app inside the “s” folder.

Please paste the output of “ruby script/server” command

vipin v. ha scritto:

File exists - script/server

I tried deleting the script/server file but i still couldn’t run the
localhost:3000 in the browser

What is the solution to this

Hi V.,
try reading this guide, it is very useful to begin with rails:


Please paste the output of “ruby script/server” command

output is

vverma@l-vverma:~/myExp/tickets$ rails script/server
File exists - script/server

On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 7:11 PM, vipin v. [email protected] wrote:

but now i have done it, so what is the solution??
will i never be able to run the app in server again??

create a new rails app and copy script/server?

On 30 October 2012 11:51, vipin v. [email protected] wrote:

Please paste the output of “ruby script/server” command

output is

vverma@l-vverma:~/myExp/tickets$ rails script/server
File exists - script/server

That looks like the output from “rails script/server” not “ruby


That looks like the output from “rails script/server” not “ruby

Thanks for your observation Colin
All is Well now :))))