Visual ruby: cannot load such file -- openssl

I just installed visual ruby, with ruby 1.9.3p125, but vr said:
cannot load such file – openssl
I had to copy /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/i686-linux/ into my
vr now works, but is this the correct library?

Hi Wybo:

I beleive that openssl is a part of ruby 1.9. Before, when I was using
ruby 1.8.7 that installed with ubuntu, I had to install libopenssl-ruby
like this:

$ sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby

But that hasn’t been necessary with version 1.9 because its already
included. I think your problem occurred with your install of ruby. If
1.9 is installed, this command should work in irb:

irb>require ‘net/https’

That will test if it is installed correctly. It should return true.

Perhaps others know more than I do.

Thank you very much for your feedback. Please let me know if you have
any more trouble.


Hi Eric,

Yes, I finally found out that it was libssl-dev that was missing.