Nulling a nullable boolean value from the UI?

In my model class I have a boolean attribute which can be NULL. I’d like
to set all three possible values from the UI using radio buttons. These
radio buttons have the values “true”, “false”, and “” respectively. The
trouble is that Column#type_cast casts “” to false. The only way to get
a nil value out of #type_cast, is to pass in nil. Of course, that’s not
what I get in the request; there the closest thing to a nil is an empty

So, how are others handling this?


Michael S. Face reality and stare it down
mailto:[email protected] --Jethro Tull, Silver River Turning
Michael Schürig | Sentenced to making sense

On 4-dec-2005, at 19:22, Michael S. wrote:

what I get in the request; there the closest thing to a nil is an

So, how are others handling this?

I do it like this.

On 5-dec-2005, at 17:03, Michael S. wrote:

I considered something similar, but came down to this

I hope they accept it, it’s indeed more thorough. Can you add some
tests to it?

Julian ‘Julik’ Tarkhanov
me at

On Monday 05 December 2005 15:51, Julian ‘Julik’ Tarkhanov wrote:

On 4-dec-2005, at 19:22, Michael S. wrote:

So, how are others handling this?

I do it like this.
/ init.rb

I considered something similar, but came down to this


Michael S. Life is what happens
mailto:[email protected] While you’re making plans
Michael Schürig | Sentenced to making sense --Kevin Gilbert, A Long Day’s Life