PrettyPrint Array?

I’m trying to make my own simple assert, but have problem displaying
assert “123”, [1,2,[3]].to_s

Is there a method or function x, fullfilling these requirements
assert “[1,2,[3]]”, [1,2,[3]].x
assert “[1,2,[3]]”, x([1,2,[3]])
assert “1”, x(1)
assert “a”, x(“a”)
or some of them?

There is no problem with the comparison as
assert [1,2,[3]], [1,2,[3]]

The problem appears when displaying different values:
assert [1,2,[3]], [1,2,3]

expect: 123
actual: 123

which is not very helpful.

This is the definition of my assert:

def assert(expect, actual)
expect==actual ? print(".") : print("\nexpect: #{expect}\nactual:

This is probably very easy, but I haven’t found anything.


Hey Christer,

try [1,2,[3]].flatten.to_s

it solves this one:
assert [1,2,3], [1,2,[3]].flatten
and probably is the easiest solution :slight_smile:

however - assert not only compares and checks strings - you can use it
for all
other Objects as well… so “123”, [1,2,[3]].to_s looks to me not that
obvious - but i don’t know your approach and what this array should do -
sending out this advice and waiting for the pros to comment your post ^^


Am Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2005 14:50 schrieb Christer N.:

On Sun, 04 Dec 2005 13:50:34 -0000, Christer N.
[email protected] wrote:

actual: 123

which is not very helpful.

I’m not sure if this is what you’re after, but if it’s just about the
displayed values try:

def assert(expect, actual)
  print (expect == actual ? "." : "\nexpect #{expect.inspect}\nactual:


which yields:

irb(main):029:0> assert([1,[2,3]], [1,2,3])

expect [1, [2, 3]]
actual: [1, 2, 3]
=> nil

Is that what you’re after?

Fellinger wrote:

try [1,2,[3]].flatten.to_s

No, I do not want to hide the difference.

rosco wrote:

def assert(expect, actual)
print (expect == actual ? “.” : “\nexpect #{expect.inspect}\nactual:

Yes, “inspect” is exactly what I needed! Thank you very much!
