How to update Typo 5.5

It appears Typo 5.5 has a serious bug which has been fixed. The issue
is that it is not possible to delete comments.

How do I apply this update?

I installed Typo 5.5 with ‘gem install’.

On 11/05/2010 05:09 PM, Errol S. wrote:

It appears Typo 5.5 has a serious bug which has been fixed. The issue
is that it is not possible to delete comments.

How do I apply this update?

I installed Typo 5.5 with ‘gem install’.

Unfortunately, it is not easily possible to apply this update for
installations, since there is no release yet that includes this fix. One
is to just go in and change the file in question: It’s a small change
Fixes a dead link in per article feedback administration [#183 state:… · publify/publify@0026a65 · GitHub).

As a work-around, you can place a check in front of the comment you want
delete, and then click Delete Checked Items.

Frdric, how do you feel about releasing a bug fix release for 5.5?