Render_template on create and update action - unexpected result with namespaced controllers


I’ve been having issues with my namespaced controllers and specs. I
receive the following errors only on my create and update actions
(with invalid parameters) and only on my namespaced controllers. My
non-namespaced controllers have similar specs and work well. The
application works as expected, but the specs are reporting:


  1. Management::CountriesController POST create with invalid params
    re-renders the ‘new’ template
    Failure/Error: response.should render_template(:new)
    expecting <“new”> but rendering with <“”>


169:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>’

  1. Management::CountriesController PUT update with invalid params re-
    renders the ‘edit’ template
    Failure/Error: response.should render_template(:edit)
    expecting <“edit”> but rendering with <“”>


240:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>’

Here’s a gist to help my explanation:

I’m using the Devise/CanCan combo.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I’ve been ignoring these for a while
and it’s time to fix them.


On Dec 12, 2011, at 10:16 AM, astjohn wrote:

  expecting <"edit"> but rendering with <"">

Any help is greatly appreciated. I’ve been ignoring these for a while
and it’s time to fix them.


rspec-users mailing list
[email protected]

An empty response body tells me it’s redirecting. Couple ways to check

1.) Use “puts” and “raise” to see if it even gets to the respond_with
2.) Look at the test logs to see what it’s responding with.
3.) Use response.response_code.should eq(200)

Hi Justin,

Thanks for your reply. I agree with your suggestions, however the
response is fine. Response code == 200 and nothing unusual in the logs.

Note that my non-namespaced controllers with similar tests behave as
they should. This weird issue only happens for my namespaced


Justin Ko wrote in post #1037818:

On Dec 12, 2011, at 10:16 AM, astjohn wrote:

  expecting <"edit"> but rendering with <"">

Any help is greatly appreciated. I’ve been ignoring these for a while
and it’s time to fix them.


rspec-users mailing list
[email protected]

An empty response body tells me it’s redirecting. Couple ways to check

1.) Use “puts” and “raise” to see if it even gets to the respond_with
2.) Look at the test logs to see what it’s responding with.
3.) Use response.response_code.should eq(200)