Local gem not always visible

I wrote a gem for a package called “tree”, version 0.0.0. I built a
gemfile and installed it. Now the code is installed and works, but
only some of the gem utitlities know that it’s there. I suspect I did
something wrong in my gem specification file, but I can’t figure out

Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong or suggestions on how to

Here are the specifics of the problem: “gem list” and “gemwhich” find
my gem

$ gem list

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

rake (0.6.2)
Ruby based make-like utility.

rubygems-update (0.8.11)
RubyGems Update GEM

sources (0.0.1)
This package provides download sources for remote gem installation

tree (0.0.0)
Tree is an ordered n-ary branching tree structure

$ gemwhich tree

but ‘gem specification’ and ‘gem uninstall’ do not work

$ gem specification tree
ERROR: Unknown gem tree

$ gem uninstall tree
Attempting to uninstall gem ‘tree’
ERROR: While executing gem … (RuntimeError)
Unknown RubyGem: tree (> 0)

These commands work for other gems installed on my machine.

When I go look under /homes/billmcn/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 there appear to
be the appropriate cache, doc, gems, and specifications files and
subdirectories. In particular, here is the specfile

$ cat tree-0.0.0.gemspec
Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = %q{tree}
s.version = “0.0.0”
s.date = %q{2005-12-01}
s.summary = %q{Tree is an ordered n-ary branching tree structure}
s.email = %q{[email protected]}
s.homepage = %q{http://www.washington.edu/~billmcn}
s.description = %q{This module implement order n-ary branching tree
structures. It includes support for breadth- and depth- first
iteration, and serialization to and from a bracketed tree string.}
s.has_rdoc = true
s.authors = [“W.P. McNeill”]
s.files = [“test/test_tree.rb”, “lib/tree.rb”, “README”]
s.test_files = [“test/test_tree.rb”]
s.rdoc_options = [“–title”, “Tree – Ruby Tree”, “–main”, “README”,
“–line-numbers”, “–inline-source”]
s.extra_rdoc_files = [“README”]

This is RedHat Linux. Ruby version

$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.3 (2005-09-21) [i686-linux]

Note that I don’t have write permissions to /usr so this version of
Ruby is installed in my home directory.

RUBYOPT=rubygems is set. Here is my gems environment

$ gem env
Rubygems Environment:

  • VERSION: 0.8.11 (0.8.11)
  • INSTALLATION DIRECTORY: /homes/billmcn/lib/ruby/gems/1.8
    • /homes/billmcn/lib/ruby/gems/1.8

Thanks for any suggestions you have.

This appears to be the problem. I didn’t check out the latest rubygems
from CVS, but I did change the version on my tree gem from 0.0.0 to
0.0.1 and everything worked fine.

Thanks for your help.

On 12/1/05, billmcn [email protected] wrote:

I wrote a gem for a package called “tree”, version 0.0.0. I built a
gemfile and installed it. Now the code is installed and works, but
only some of the gem utitlities know that it’s there. I suspect I did
something wrong in my gem specification file, but I can’t figure out

Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong or suggestions on how to

Hi. I bet this is due to a bug that was fixed in CVS wherein gem
files with version 0.0.0 are not properly accounted for in some cases.
Would it be possible to get rubygems from its RubyForge CVS
repository and try it out?


Chad F.
http://pragmaticprogrammer.com/titles/mjwti/ (My Job Went to India,
and All I Got Was This Lousy Book)
http://rubygems.rubyforge.org (over one million gems served!)