Howto install gstreamer gem on windows


I would like to run the Satoshi test of gst+gtk on Windows.

But what is the procedure for install gstreamer+gem gstreamer ?

I have already
ruby 1.9.2p180
ossbuid GStreamer-WinBuilds-GPL-x86.msi

I got :

gem install gstreamer

D:/usr/ruby/Ruby19/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb
checking for GCC… yes
checking for rb_define_alloc_func() in ruby.h… no
checking for rb_block_proc() in ruby.h… no
checking for new allocation framework… yes
checking for attribute assignment… no
checking for Win32 OS… yes
checking for gstreamer-0.10… no

Thank you,

hi Regis,

follow steps III and IV here:

  • j

That’s work !


Thank you,


thanks really go to kou and ashbb for getting everything together - i
just happened to have the links!

speaking of which, kou, ashbb - from what i understand, these gems
aren’t quite “done” yet, let us know when they are, and i’ll update the

  • j


In [email protected]
“Re: [ruby-gnome2-devel-en] Howto install gstreamer gem on windows” on
Fri, 07 Oct 2011 03:16:34 +0200,
jake kaiden [email protected] wrote:

thanks really go to kou and ashbb for getting everything together - i
just happened to have the links!

speaking of which, kou, ashbb - from what i understand, these gems
aren’t quite “done” yet, let us know when they are, and i’ll update the

I built Ruby/GStreamer for Windows gem just for test because
the build way isn’t reasonable…

Premise: I’m using Debian GNU/Linux sid. So I need to do all
things on Debian GNU/Linux.

(1) I download installer from Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting..
(2) I run the installer by wine.
(3) I create *.pc for files in the installer.
(4) I cross-compile against files in the installer.
(5) I create *.gem.
(6) I push *.gem to

(4)-(6) are easy because we already have automated Rake
tasks. They are uses for other Ruby-GNOME2 gems for
Windows. (e.g. glib2, gtk2, …)

(1)-(3) aren’t easy because we can’t automated them. ((3)
has been automated. :p) If we can get GStreamer binaries as
zip such as GTK+ binaries distributed on, we can
be able to atuomate them.

ashbb requests it on gstreamer ossbuild forums
but it’s not responded yet.

