A Little Win32 Apache2/SCGI Help?

Hey all,

Sorry to spam a personal help message, but I’m tearing my hair out here.

I’ve previously done all my development with webbrick and deployed on
TextDrive where all the hard work was pretty much done for me. Today,
however, I need to deploy on one of our servers.

I’ve got Apache2 and SCGI installed, finally, and the app is running.
It correctly serves up content from the controllers. The problem is
that requests for the static files (/images/, /stylesheets/, etc)
aren’t working. If I try to go to I get
the following:

Routing Error
Recognition failed for “/stylesheets/”

Again, this works fine under webbrick, so I would think it is an Apache
config problem. However, the error message itself looks like its coming
from the Rails router, implying a problem with my routes config. Is
there something I need to tell SCGI, Rails, or Apache to help find my
public folder? (I set the document root in the Apache http.conf)

Any advice? I appreciate it.


Is the document root for the web application in the Apache config, the
public folder under your app directory?



I’m not familiar with scgi yet but i solved it as follows. My railsapp
is one level higher then my apache docroot and have symlinks as shown

depot → …/depot/public/
images → …/depot/public/images/
stylesheets → …/depot/public/stylesheets/

This results in urls looking like: http://www.example.com/depot/store

In the apache2 conf you add the “FollowSymLinks” as shown here.

DocumentRoot /home/…/htdocs

    <Directory /home/.../htdocs>
            Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
            AllowOverride All
            Allow from all
            Order allow,deny

There can be a security ‘issue’, when people have shell access to your
(I’m running vhosts in a chrooted env). If so, they can create symlinks
anywhere om your system, and are able access it. If not, there’s no

Setting the config specs for scgi should do the trick. My next challenge
setting up scgi (thanx for the tip … :-).



On Tuesday 29 November 2005 18:58, Jeff C. tried to type something

that requests for the static files (/images/, /stylesheets/, etc)
public folder? (I set the document root in the Apache http.conf)

Any advice? I appreciate it.


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My $Grtz =~ Gerard;

On 11/29/05, Jeff C. [email protected] wrote:

It correctly serves up content from the controllers. The problem is
there something I need to tell SCGI, Rails, or Apache to help find my
public folder? (I set the document root in the Apache http.conf)

Any advice? I appreciate it.

You need to add some directives to to Apache’s httpd.conf file to tell
not to send requests for static files through SCGI, but to serve those
directly. The exact specification depends on your application. Instant
has a page describing how to do this for Typo (you can probably adapt
for your own use):

