IRB : Disable auto-inspect mode?

Hello all,

I would like to know if there is a way to disable IRB’s auto-inspect
mode ?
Even better would be to disable it from one call?
I have an ActiveRecord routine I have to run with script/console… and
would like to supress the 5000 record find(:all) while still getting the
results of subsequent calls?

Any Ideas?


On Mon, 28 Nov 2005, Peter F. wrote:

Hello all,

I would like to know if there is a way to disable IRB’s auto-inspect mode ?
Even better would be to disable it from one call?
I have an ActiveRecord routine I have to run with script/console… and I
would like to supress the 5000 record find(:all) while still getting the
results of subsequent calls?

neelix hgs 85 %> irb
irb(main):001:0> [“large”] * 1000 ; nil
=> nil

i.e. just make nil your last expression. Does that do what you

Any Ideas?



You’re a genius!!! … or I’m still a newb.

Thanks for the tip!

On 11/28/05, Hugh S. [email protected] wrote:

would like to supress the 5000 record find(:all) while still getting the
Any Ideas?

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