Localizing dates


How to localize the different methods in e.g. Date ?

Tries to use Date.parse(str) with str in any language.
I have a fix for my current problem, where str is a swedish date of
the form 12 MAJ 1983; Date.parse(str.gsub(‘MAJ’,‘MAY’),
but is there a more generic solution?

How to use the different localzed date format as e.g
date.abbr_month_names ?
Tried I18n.l(Date.today) and
I18n.l(Date.today.strftime("%d %b %Y")) and
I18n.l(y.wday).to_s and
but without any success !!

The problem is that I do not understand this part of I18n and the
guides give no information about the more complex use of localize?

Would appreciate any help

Hi Hans,

you could use my delocalize plugin for that:
GitHub - clemens/delocalize: Date/time and number parsing for Rails..

  • Clemens

On Aug 25, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Hans M. wrote:

I18n.l(Date.today.strftime(“%d %b %Y”)) and
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Clemens K.
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railway - welcome aboard!

For the second question:

You pass the :format parameter, like this:

I18n.l(Date.today, :format => :long)

The default available formats are :default, :short and :long but you can
more to your locale file:

Thanks Clemens
It solved all my problems! Just what I needed.
However the plugin should be listed in the i18n guide

Next I need a plugin for inverse translations if existing ?
There is some suggestions in earlier discussion of this problem, but
as Sven remarked – these solutions are really hacks
Any news regarding this problem

Hans M.
St: Larsgatan 50, 58224 Linköping, Sweden
Phone: +46708371202

25 aug 2010 kl. 10.47 skrev Clemens K.:

Hi Mejía ¨
Thanks for the suggestions. I now think that I understand this area

Regarding Mitchell question
A also use separate html files for longer texts (more than one sentence)

Hans M.
St: Larsgatan 50, 58224 Linköping, Sweden
Phone: +46708371202

25 aug 2010 kl. 17.48 skrev Andrés Mejía: