Review: more miscellaneous fixes

Next bunch of fixes:
Comparing 793effd...e7492dc · nrk/ironruby · GitHub (see also the
attached diff):

e7492dc Make a minor style change.
35d6011 Set taint and trust flags on the resulting packed string in
2e9e125 Fix: Array#pop raises a RuntimeError on a frozen array even
when it is empty.
437e5bd Implement support for format specifier options in Time#strftime.
c7ca6f4 Fix some minor failing specs for Time.
f39ca06 Fix failing specs for Comparable.
e9b5ff9 Fix all the failing specs for Bignum.
84bcdb4 Update the specs for Bignum#&, Bignum#| and Bignum#^ (RubySpec
Git eb98e84).

I updated the specs for Bignum#&, Bignum#| and Bignum#^ just because
there was a bug in them (already fixed in RubySpec’s repository) when
running on 1.9.

Whoops, forgot to post a question related to the following commit:

Should we just remove the various checks for RubyCompatibility when
encountering them in a case like this one?


On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 12:11, Daniele A. [email protected]

f39ca06 Fix failing specs for Comparable.

Daniele A.