I18n translators tools


there is new tool for handling translation files. You can install it
using command

gem install i18n-translators-tools

This package brings you useful utility and library which can help you
to handle
locale files and translations in your Ruby projects. Offers also built-
in simple
console editor. Supported formats are YAML, Ruby, Gettext po, QT
Linguist TS and
Java Properties.

It can
– convert between various format (yml <=> rb <=> po <=> ts <=>
– merge
– statistics
– translate (built-in simple text translator)

There are also some backends for i18n library:

– I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Translator)
(Extended format. i18n-translators-tools brings extended format)
– I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::PO)
– I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::TS)
– I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Properties)

Read README.md file and run i18n-translate without parameters
for more information.

source code are at github:

oops, actualy, there is a typo:

There are also some backends for i18n library:

– I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Translator)
(Extended format. i18n-translators-tools brings extended format)

backend for the extended format is:

2010/8/10 pejuko [email protected]

oops, actualy, there is a typo:

There are also some backends for i18n library:

– I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Translator)
(Extended format. i18n-translators-tools brings extended format)

backend for the extended format is:

Could you put an usage example with a rails App (2.3.x or 3.0.x)?
An example of a simple UI interface to translate App files.

Well, there is simple standalone web translator as a working example:

It is written using framework ramaze (I have sent it there because
this group is enlisted as a mailing-list for the i18n-library)

However, the scenario for using this tool is following:

In your application you just include backend
I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Translator)

for your locales you need to have some default file (eg. default.yml
in eg. locale directory) and then you can use i18n-translate tool
for merging files. If you want to use PO files then you need include
also I18n::Backend::PO etc.

I also recomend to use fallbacks plugin.
I18n::Backend::Simple.send(:include, I18n::Backend::Fallbacks)

Some usage examples are also in README.md file: