"no such file to load -- application" Error


I upgraded to 0.8.0 and now I get an error when I try to run anything.
See the examples below:

rake production radiant:extensions:gallery:migrate
(in /home)
Could not load extension from file: gallery_extension.
#<MissingSourceFile: no such file to load – application>
Could not load extension from file: page_attachments_extension.
#<MissingSourceFile: no such file to load – application>
rake aborted!
no such file to load – application

rake production ray:extension:update name=all
(in /home)
Could not load extension from file: gallery_extension.
#<MissingSourceFile: no such file to load – application>
Could not load extension from file: page_attachments_extension.
#<MissingSourceFile: no such file to load – application>

Do you know how I can solve this? I think it has something to do with
the new Rails convention of appending “_controller” to the application
controller, but I am not sure why I see the error and apparently others

I’m having the exact same issue. Let me know if you solve it.

Sergio B.

Hey Ben,

for me, setting config.cache_classes to false (config.cache_classes =
false) fixed the error.

I haven’t yet exactly figured out why caching the classes breaks stuff.

Hope this helps,