Find :include broken when upgrading to 2.2.2

Hi, I’m upgrading an old 1.2 application to latest 2.2 and I got an
error which is certainly due to :include

@factures = Facture.find(:all, :include => [[:forfait => :vehicule] =>
:client], :conditions => [“MONTH(factures.date_emission) = ? AND
YEAR(factures.date_emission) = ?”, @mois, @annee], :order =>

This code produces an error

You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.macro

Does the :include option have changed its behaviour?

However the above line of code generate a valid SQL statement, run it
but fails after.

SELECT AS t0_r0, factures.forfait_id AS t0_r1,
factures.titre AS t0_r2, factures.date_emission AS t0_r3,
factures.date_envoyee AS t0_r4, factures.date_payee AS t0_r5, AS t1_r0, forfaits.vehicule_id AS t1_r1,
forfaits.genre AS t1_r2, forfaits.periodicite_reglement AS
t1_r3, forfaits.date_debut AS t1_r4, forfaits.date_fin AS t1_r5,
forfaits.en_cours AS t1_r6, AS t2_r0,
vehicules.client_id AS t2_r1, vehicules.immatriculation AS
t2_r2, vehicules.marque AS t2_r3, vehicules.modele AS t2_r4,
vehicules.veh_type AS t2_r5, vehicules.num_serie AS t2_r6,
vehicules.couleur AS t2_r7, vehicules.puissance AS t2_r8,
vehicules.date_pmec AS t2_r9, vehicules.date_ct AS t2_r10, AS t2_r11, vehicules.created_at AS t2_r12,
vehicules.notes AS t2_r13, vehicules.emplacement AS t2_r14, AS t3_r0, clients.nom AS t3_r1, clients.prenom AS
t3_r2, clients.adresse AS t3_r3, AS t3_r4,
clients.created_at AS t3_r5, clients.notes ASt3_r6,
clients.periodicite_reglement AS t3_r7 FROM factures LEFT OUTER
JOIN forfaits ON = factures.forfait_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
vehicules ON = forfaits.vehicule_id LEFT OUTER JOIN
clients ON = vehicules.client_id WHERE
(MONTH(factures.date_emission) = 6 AND YEAR(factures.date_emission) =
2009) ORDER BY clients.nom

Any help appreciated, thanks

On Jun 4, 1:19 pm, Bob M. [email protected]

You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.macro

Does the :include option have changed its behaviour?

It did change slightly. I suspect that you originally got lucky: your
include clause is

[[:forfait => :vehicule] => :client]

which ruby parses as

which isn’'t the type of structure that rails is expecting (but
obviously happened to work in the past). It looks like what you should
be saying is

{:forfait => {:vehicule => :client}}


Frederick C. wrote:

On Jun 4, 1:19�pm, Bob M. [email protected]

You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occurred while evaluating nil.macro

Does the :include option have changed its behaviour?

It did change slightly. I suspect that you originally got lucky: your
include clause is

[[:forfait => :vehicule] => :client]

which ruby parses as

which isn’'t the type of structure that rails is expecting (but
obviously happened to work in the past). It looks like what you should
be saying is

{:forfait => {:vehicule => :client}}


Thanks a lot Fred ! It’s always sensible when somebody gives you the
solution :wink:
Have a nice day