New Zentest, any feedback?

So I notice that Ryan released a new zentest gem today. It looks like
it has been refactored a bit.

Are there any brave guinea pigs/canaries in the RSpec/Cucumber
community who have tried it out? Any issues? I do see that someone
has been reporting some problems with multiruby which is a part of
zentest which a lot of folks don’t use as much.

Rick DeNatale


So I notice that Ryan released a new zentest gem today. It looks like
it has been refactored a bit.

Are there any brave guinea pigs/canaries in the RSpec/Cucumber
community who have tried it out? Any issues? I do see that someone
has been reporting some problems with multiruby which is a part of
zentest which a lot of folks don’t use as much.

A quick test shows that it still reruns cucumber when I change a feature
and runs rspec when I change a ruby file.
and that it does not rerun anything when I touch a file for which there
is an exception
(e.g. when I do something with git, add_exception %r{.git} triggers
nothing anymore, whereas the previous gem triggered a run of cucumber,
which was remendously annoying).

I’m not using rails and also not using any other sort of additional
framework. no webrat, etc.


How can I change the world if I can’t even change myself?
– Faithless, Salva Mea